Part 29 Running Again

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After dinner with Newt last night, I did way too much thinking and less sleeping. I was only half awake for the job today.

Without my notice, my eyes dropped down. It wasn't long until someone shook me. I snapped awake to Ben laughing along with another runner.
I rubbed my eyes in embarrassment.

The door opens and we were crowding in, parting to our respective sections. Today, I had to venture outer parts of the maze but

After for what felt like 15 minutes, I was drugged with sleepiness. I couldn't help it. I collapsed to the ground, resting my back against the ivy covered wall. There were some goo around but I didn't mind.

I helped myself by letting me take a very quick nap. All around me started to mute.

I was on my feet dismayed by the sound of footsteps nearby. I took small steps towards the sound. They were swift steps. Probably just another runner. Wait! No one was supposed to be around here.

I got a hold of my knife. I was aiming it low. Looking left and right. I could sense the source of the sound, it was just a wall away.

I tightened my grip and swiftly swung my sword, now eyeing my target. She let out a scream. I dropped my knife startled.


"Oh my shuck Minho!"

"You scared me to death gosh... What are you even doing here?!"

She jogged towards me and smirked, "Doing my job,"

"No, you're not...." I sounded aggravated.

She crossed her arms indignant, "well excuse me, Alby totally approves of me getting my job back and would you care to explain where were you last night?"

"I.... I slept early," I stuttered.

Paula shook her head, "I don't buy that,"

I sighed and offered her my hand. "Look I'm sorry, there's something but let's not do it here alright?"

She took my hand and nodded. We both ran hand in hand, completing the job together, just like old times.

Even though I was insignificant about telling her the dream, this right now feels really fine.

• • • • •
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Also, please read my latest update, it'll be really great. :3

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