Part 7, She's Different

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I ran straight ahead to the homestead. Paula. She's actually back, or maybe not.

As I arrived, some girls were already crowding the homestead. "Minho!" Kaya waved from across the room.

She walked over to me and advised, "Hey one thing for you lover boy, don't pressure her." She tapped my back and left for the door.

I watched her leave then climbed the stairs up to her room. Two girls were standing in front of the door but left as they saw me. I reached for the door and peeked in.

She was there. On the bed. Hugging her legs and not looking towards the door. She looked just the way she was before the changing.

I stood by the door for awhile not knowing what to say or do. I took a huge breathe and finally said "Hey."

She looked towards me and shuddered "Minho?"

As she was about to open her mouth to say something, she started crying and shaking her head. I came over to her and gave her a huge hug. It felt warm and sweet, just like how it was before.

She continued sobbing and said "It was really ....... bad......"

"It's okay, I'm here."

We were hugging for a long time. I didn't want to let go of her. I wanted to freeze this moment and hug her forever. I started tearing up on her shirt and buried my face on her neck.

"I'm so sorry this all happened,"

"Minho, it's okay. It's not your fault,"

We both sobbed.

It was a long enough hug that made us both feel better. I cuffed my hand on her face and she held my hand. I looked into her eyes and kissed her forehead.

"What happened to me?" Paula asked as she put her head down.

"You got stung." I hesitated.

"The doors were closing wasn't it?"


We both stayed quite and looked away from each other. It had been hard enough for her and I wouldn't want to make it harder by bringing back that day.

We were both sitting on the bed. Her head on my shoulders. "Minho, I got some of my memories back," she whispered.

I looked down to her and put my arms over her shoulders. "What.....was it like? The memories."

"I'm not quite sure. There was too much too handle and I.... i...."

She got off my shoulder and shook her head so hard. "I'm sorry I can't. It's just......No!" She was mad I can tell.

Everything went downhill from that. "Honey, let's not talk about it okay?" I tried my best to calm her down. She instead got off the bed and knelt on the ground. She covered her face like she was in so much pain.

I got down In front of her. As I was about to hold her, she said in an angry tone "No. Don't touch me. Just get out!"

I didn't bother to say anything else. I just got up and left.

One moment I had her and the next she was gone.

Remember me//Maze Runner, Minho FanficWhere stories live. Discover now