Part 20, Opening up

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I'm so sorry I got a little overjoyed there :D Anyways, Please tell me what you think about the whole series so far and leave down any suggestions you have in mind :3

Once again, Thank you guys so much :)

I found myself sitting by her door, watching her eat.

"That good enough shuck?"
"Well it is indeed, shuckiest shuck-face shuck," She giggled as she took her last bite.
"Oh yeah I almost forgot, did the Greenie got you lunch?"
"Yeah he actually did and I have to thank you for that,"

She stood up and held on to the bars. I now had a good look at her.

"What's with the scar?"
She felt for the scar on her cheeks. "Oh this? I'm not really sure. Maybe I scratched myself or something," Her voice was shaky and it didn't seem true.

"Doesn't look like it, it looks like a cut,"

Suddenly there was a barrier of silence in between us. I could tell that she was deciding wether or not to tell me.

"Well are you gonna tell me about it?" I sounded pushy.

I was expecting a 'no' but she spoke up, "It's from before. You know the knife catastrophe, 'wicked is good' mayhem? I almost" Her voice faded as she finished her last line.

"Yeah keep talking,"

"Well I couldn't grab any control of myself at that time. They or whoever had me with the knife," She buried her face and her voice muffled, "I nearly hurt someone Minho, but thankfully someone pushed me from behind and here it is,"

I said nothing. Just stared blankly at her. I couldn't say a word. I felt terrible for her and there's nothing I could do about it.

I Suddenly the image of the carvings on the tree shot from the back of my mind. "We are watching," I murmured under my breath. Saying it gives me drop dead chills.

"Minho? What're saying?"

"We are watching...." I stood in an instance. Scanning the walls behind the slammer. "We are watching," I repeated the phrase a couple times until I finally got what It all meant.

I kneeled at the door almost scaring her. "Paula, tell me about the carvings you made on the trees,"

"How d'ya know about that?"

"It doesn't matter, please Paula," I begged in desperation.

"Well, the night you and I talked after dinner, we called it a night then we went for our own hammocks," She scratch her nose trying to recall her memories, "That night I had obnoxious dreams. There were people running around in white coats, screaming in victory. Then the scene changed..... I saw an insect. It looks exactly like the ones around the Glade,"


"Oh yeah, there was a women and a boy observing it, the insect. I heard the boy repeated its name.... uhmmm... right... They're called beetle blades!"

"Wow okay, my head's hurting. So what about these beetle blades? What do they do?"

"I'm getting to it. They are designed to watch us all. These people that sent us here, want to take a closer look at us, at least that's what the boy explained,"

"I knew it! I was right! I can't believe this, how are you keeping this all in? I mean you knew all along right?" I was almost too excited to not realize why her face saddened.

"It's almost impossible you see?" She sighed and then went on, "The carvings was out of my control. They made me do it. To warn you somehow,"

"Why would they want to notify us? It wouldn't change a thing, wouldn't it?"

"Maybe, maybe not, I don't know..... Oh yeah and about me ending up in your hammock, I was pretty knocked off so I didn't quite remember,"

"Anyways, thank you for opening up. I know it must be hard for you to....."

"Don't sweat it. You needed some explanation and besides, you're Minho," she turned her back at me. Probably trying to hide her emotions.

"Hey, imma get you out now, it's been a full day,"

I grabbed the key from my back pocket and unlocked the door. I swung it wide open and reached my hand out for her.

She escalated up the tiny steps and jumped straight into my arms. I fell backwards on my bum, still with her hanging on. I tightened my grip.

I had my hand behind her head. Stroking her hair, whispering in her ear, "It's okay, I'm right here, I... I love you,"

She loosened her grip. Her hands around my neck. She wiped her tear and chuckled.

She rested her forehead on mine and our eyes met. At this moment, I felt the weight on my shoulders lifted up. She told me the truth and it was good enough for me.

I lifted my chin and I planted a kiss on her cheeks.

"You son of a gun," She pulled me in for a kiss.

I kissed her back.

And I fell in love with her all over again.

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