Part 16, Beetle Blades

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The whisper tickled my ears. I was now half awake, scrubbing my eyes to see who is standing before me.

It was Newt.

"Morning," he smirked.

I got up to a sitting position. "Morning," my voice sounded croaky.
"Get up princess, let's go," He smacked my shoulders and disembarked.

I left soon after.

I cracked open the map room door, to see everyone present. They started updating me on what I've missed and we made plans for today. It was all set.

We then marched out the map room, straight to the doors. I witnessed some gladers also running for the doors, pointing and observing something.

"Hey! What's goin' on here?" They all startled at my presence and a young glader pointed towards a small creature on the wall.

I pushed my way through and finally saw it. It was an insect. Metallic all over. A blinding red light is emitted through its eye. It had cylindrical body about 3 inches, 12 jointed legs running the length of their body.

I turned back to look at the others. "It's just an insect, you shanks,"

"But....but... they're everywhere...."

I focused back on the insect hanging off the wall. I reached out for it but it scurried away real quick.

From a distance, I could hear the maze doors bursting open. "Minho? We gotta go," Ben warned.

"Someone tell Alby what's going on," I took off, heading towards the doors.

What was that all about?

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