Part 9, The talk

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After the chaotic dream, I decided i can't go back and settle in the woods. I forced myself to go back to the homestead.

The glade was peaceful by now. The only sounds that I heard came from the maze changing and harmonic snores from some of the gladers. Everyone didn't show any slightest movement and it made me think, how long have I been napping?

My hammock looked really good right now, maybe it's just because I'm so snoozy. I slammed my body and cuddled up inside the hammock. Forgetting about everything.

I woke up falling off my hammock. I hit my back and groaned. I got myself. in a sitting position. I scratched my head and looked up to see Alby. "What the shuck man!?" I was unpleased.
"Get up, let's talk," Alby offered me a hand and I got up.

It was still dark outside and I was still drowsy. I felt like I had so little sleep and all I want to do is go back to bed.

"Hey I've heard she's awake, Did you talk to her yet?"
Alby's question made me jump a bit. I completely forgotten that she's awake. "Uhmmmmm...... yeah I did," I pursed my lips and scratched my back.
"Well you don't sound excited at all, what's wrong?"

I didn't feel like pep talk. I wanted to forget about it and just rewind to the part when I'm still sleeping. But Alby is Alby and he needed answers, "You know, I thought I had her and this was all just a phase but the moment I asked her about the changing, I lost her...... And I wanna forget that ever happened because now I feel like a bad guy.... I'm supposed to be her savior right?" I ended my last sentence with a tear. I didn't expected myself to cry but I did.

Somehow I gotten from being sleepy to emotional just like that.

Alby just rests his arms on my shoulder not knowing what to say. I guess he just realized that it was a bad idea to talk about this.

We were walking to frypan's and got breakfast early. I had stopped crying by now and we were just eating. Alby still hadn't made any commentary on my story which was totally understandable.

As the sun started the shine, gladers erupted from the homestead to frypan's. It was a sign that the door's are opening.

I bid good bye to Alby when he finally had something to say, "Hey about what you said earlier, sometimes things happen for a reason and it's not always you to blame, so don't pressure yourself,"
I nodded and ran off to the map room.

The runners were already geared up inside. I gave a brief talk and we went off together.

As we were approaching the door, my eyes met a familiar face. She looked completely helpless and wan. I took a harder glance to finally recognize that it is Paula. I looked away and shook my head. Now's not the time to think about her. I looked her direction again and our eyes met from a distance. She broke the eye contact and walked off.

I jogged and wasn't sure how to feel.

Remember me//Maze Runner, Minho FanficWhere stories live. Discover now