Part 4The Greenie

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Later that evening, we held a little camp fire for the Greenie that came in. Everybody was having fun and enjoying themselves. It's great to see the gladers all merry.

"Hey Minho?" A girl voice came from behind me.

I turned to see that it was Kaya, the keeper of the builders. "Hey Kay, you good?" It's been awhile since I've seen her anywhere.
"I'm grand, the real question is how are you?" She rested her hands on my right shoulder.
"Just glad to be back ya know,"
"Glad to hear that, drink?" She offered me a drink and I took it.

Kaya and I sat together by the camp fire talking about almost every thing. "Minho? What d'ya think will happen after all this ends? The glade. The maze..."
I was thinking hard on a legible question to this one. "I guess we'll finally get our normal lives back. Find our families. Start brand new life's and you know probably be free,"

She didn't say a word. It was so sad that the question came from her. It felt like she had given up, but I couldn't tell. Somehow Kay started giggling and as the slinthead I am I didn't quite get what is so funny and I had to ask why.

Kay continued to giggle and finally said "I'm sorry, but that is so forward sir keeper," she was snickering now and continued, "I would take the longest sleep possible. I wouldn't give a klunk about anything else,"
I playfully said "That is deep girl. So deep."

We both laughed. I was so glad that I had a friend like her. She was like an elder sister to me, remembering that she was the first girl ever in the glade.

It was getting late and we had to go and rest. It was a fun day and i felt a relieve that I was not worrying so much.

As I was heading back to the homestead, I saw a familiar face in front of the maze doors. I quickly ran towards him and screamed from a distance, "What are you doing there?!"

The face turned towards me and of course, it was the Greenie. "I'm sorry, I was just wondering around." he looked guilty.
I was now closer to him. "It's totally fine but just be careful okay? It's not too safe here."

I walked the Greenie back to the homestead. "Hey Minho?" the Greenie whispered.
"Yeah Greenie, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just a bit sad in here isn't it?" he mumbled.

"Yeah.....but before you know it, this will feel like home." I was encouraging him somehow.

We reached the homestead and I finally remembered something, "Oh yeah, you got your name back yet?"

"Ehmmmm it's in the back of my mind..... it's coming I know it."

"Well don't push it, it'll come. Good night Gr...."

"Wait I remembered..... It's..... Gally.... Yeah, my name's Gally."

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