Crushes (Freed and Rogue)

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Freed and Rogue were sitting at a cafe.

They had been friends since the second grade. After High School, they went to different collages. But now, they had met up again thanks to their crushes/friends. Turns out, Sting and Laxus were brothers. Laxus was older then Sting,

"How have you been?" Rogue asked.

Freed sighed. "I've been good. But Laxus is as clueless as ever." He said in slight annoyance.

"I know what you mean. Sting doesn't really notice me. But it's not like I want him to know about my crush..." Rogue said.

Freed tilted his head slightly. "Why wouldn't you?" He asked.

Rogue shuffled in his seat. "I just don't think he sees me that way. I mean, he's never showed any interest before. He's never had a boyfriend and he's always trying to set me up." Rogue said sadly.

Freed leaned over and patted his shoulder. "I'm sure he'll notice you eventually." Freed said reassuringly.

"Maybe. I don't know how much of this I can take. Maybe I should just move on..." He said.

"Maybe. I feel the same sometimes." Freed said.

"I'm glad we're friends." Rogue said, while smiling at Freed.

Freed smiled back. "Me too."


"Ugh... Sting, what the hell are we doing??" Laxus demanded.

Sting glared at him. "Rogue's been acting kinda weird. I wanna know why." He said.

Laxus rolled his eyes. "So why did you have to drag me with you?!" Laxus said.

Sting rolled his eyes at Laxus. "Because Freed's been hanging out with him lately, and if you didn't notice, he's been acting differently too." Sting said. Rogue and Freed walked into a cafe and started to chat.

Sting frowned. "I can't hear what they're saying. We need to get closer." He said.

Laxus groaned in annoyance. "Sting! This isn't our business! Let's just go." He said. But Sting didn't budge. He inched closer.

"... Maybe I should just move on..." Rogue said.

Freed nodded in agreement. "Maybe. I feel the same sometimes." He said. Sting frowned. What are they talking about? He thought.

Behind him, Laxus rolled his eyes again. "Can we go now?" He asked. Sting didn't respond. He kept staring at Freed and Rogue.

"Sting! We're invading their privacy!! Let's go already!" Laxus said, trying and failing to reason with him. Laxus growled and grabbed Sting by the arm and dragged him away.

"H-Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" He whisper shouted.

"We're leaving." Laxus said stubbornly. Sting crossed his arms and pouted.

So. That was part one of Crushes. I know I said it was gonna be a preview, but I decided to make it a sorta one shot. Hope you enjoyed it! Also, do you guys want a part 2? Please let me know if you do.

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