Missing In Action Part 1 (Killugon)

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(Don't play song)

Nobody's pov

"Hey Killua! I'm home!" Gon said. His boyfriend appeared around the corner of their apartment, and smiled when he saw Gon. Killua walked over to him and placed a small kiss on his lips.

"Welcome home." Killua said, smiling gently. Gon grinned back.

"Hey... What's that smell? Are you cooking lasagna?!" Gon asked excitedly. Killua chuckled at his question and nodded.

"Yup! You've had a long week. I figured you'd want something that you like to eat." Killua said. Gon smiled at him and suddenly picked him and twirled him around.

"Thank you Killua!!! I love you!!!!!" He said.

"Ack! G-Gon! Put me down!!" Killua said, his face flushing. Gon set him down gently, placed a kiss on Killua's nose, before racing into the kitchen. Killua blinked in surprise, before shaking his head in amusement and following Gon into the kitchen. He saw Gon pressed up against the oven staring at the lasagna in the oven.

"Gon! You'll burn yourself." Killua said. Gon looked back at him and smiled.

"Don't worry! I'll be fine!" Gon said, before returning to staring at the food. Killua let out of a huff.

"Well, it's done. So move out of the way you goof." Killua said. Gon blinked, before doing as Killua asked and stepped away, smiling sheepishly. Killua rolled his eyes and opened the oven.

"Gon. Go wash your hands. You just got back from work." Killua ordered. Gon nodded and walked over to the kitchen, while Killua went to the small table pushed against the wall and placed the lasagna on it. Gon walked over to it as well and sat down, looking at his boyfriend eagerly. Killua chuckled and served Gon a big slice.

"Thanks Killua!" Gon said, and started eating. Killua watched him for a moment. He always found it amusing to watch Gon eat. It was like he was a animal. Killua sat down and started eating as well, though he did it more elegantly. The after math from coming from a rich family.

In the end, Gon had four servings, while Killua had two. Basically, they had the whole dish and didn't have any leftovers for another night. Gon leaned back in his seat and sighed contently.

"That was good Killua! Thank you!" Gon said, smiling at his boyfriend. Killua smiled back.

"Gon. I'm pretty sure you would say that even if I cooked the most disgusting thing in the world." He said, smiling. Gon chuckled.

"But it's true! It was really good!!" He protested. Killua smiled again, before getting up and placing his dishes in the dishwasher. Gon was about to do the same, when the phone rang.

"I'll get it Killua." Gon said and walked over to the phone. Killua grabbed Gon's dishes and put them in the dishwasher as well. he then grabbed the lasagna dish and walked over to the sink, filling it with hot soapy water. He glanced over at Gon, and saw that he was frowning.

A few minutes later, Gon hung up the phone. By then, Killua had finished the dishes and was staring at Gon in concern.

"Gon...? What's wrong? Who was on the phone?" He asked. Gon looked at him with a pained expression.

"It was the military." He said softly. Killua's eyes widened in surprise.

"What did they want...?" He asked, dreading the answer. Gon looked down and grabbed Killua's hand, rubbing in absentmindedly.

"Gon...? What did they say?" Killua pressed. Gon closed his eyes.

"They want me to fight." Gon said. Killua sucked in a breath, his eyes going wide.

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