Kitty (Mikayuu)

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Mika's  pov

It was a stormy night. I was sitting on my couch reading a book and drinking some tea. I was actually quite comfortable. I realized that I had finished my tea, and stood up to get some more. When I passed my front door, I heard something.

Is that... meowing? I thought. I had a soft spot for animals, so I decided to go check. I opened my door and saw a small black kitten lying on my porch. My eyes widened and I rushed over and picked up the same animal. I held it close to my chest and rushed back inside. I wrapped it in a blanket and poured some warm water into a small bowl.

I placed the small kitten on the couch. I was going to take it to the vet's tomorrow.

Time skip

I woke up and walked downstairs. I noticed that the kitten was now wide awake and it was looking around curiously. It had big green eyes. I smiled softly at it, then went and made some breakfast. After breakfast, I called the vet to let her know that I was coming.

"Come on little guy." I said. I knelt and reached a hand down. The kitten sniffed it, before leaning into it. I gently picked him up. I walked to my car and drove to the vet's.

Time skip

"I have an appointment for nine o'clock?" I said. The woman at the desk nodded and told me to wait a few minutes. The kitten started playing with a loose string from my sleeve and I smiled at the sight.

"Mikaela Shindo?" The receptionist said. I stood up and walked into the vet's office.

"Hello Mikaela! How are you." The vet asked.

"I'm good. How about you Akane?" I asked. She smiled.

"I'm fine. Who's this little cutie?" She asked. I held up the kitten for her to see.

" He was on my door step last night. He doesn't have a collar or anything." I said. Akane nodded.

"Well, I'll give him a check up and see how healthy he is." She said. I handed her the kitten. The kitten looked a bit scared, but it soon snuggled into Akane's hand. Akane left and started doing her tests.

Time skip

After about an hour, Akane came back. The kitten wasn't with her. I frowned.

"Where's the kitten?" I asked. Akane looked a bit uneasy.

"Um... About that... It looks like he's not actually a kitten..." She said. I raised an eyebrow and stared at her confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Akane bit her lip.

"Maybe you should come see for yourself." She said. I followed her into the pet section. My eyes widened when I saw the most beautiful human in the world. He had soft looking, spiky, black hair and emerald green eyes.

"Mika. Say hello to your kitten." Akane said. I stared at her.

"W-WHAT?!" I said.

"It turns out... your kitten was actually a neko." She said.

"W-Wait. Are you serious?" I asked. She nodded. I looked back at the boy. I only just noticed the black pointy cat ears on top of his head and the long, fluffy black tail swishing behind him. The boy looked down, a blush apparent on his face.

"A neko...." I whispered in amazement. I remembered what my mother had told me about them. They were supposedly very shy and secretive creatures. They were often mistreated for their differences and their ears and tails were sensitive.

"What's your name?" I asked the neko. The neko shifted slightly. He bowed his head and refused to meet my eyes.

"My name is Yuuichiro master." He said. (Sorry if I spelt his name wrong!! DX)

I blushed a bit when he called me Master.

"You don't have to call me Master." I said. "Just called me Mikaela." I said.

"If that is what you wish Master Mikeala." He said. I frowned. I was about to correct him, when Akane put a hand on my arm.

"Neko's are mostly used as slaves Mika, he's used to calling his 'owners' Master." She said softly. My eyes soften. That must be hard.

"Yuuichiro, do you want to go home?" I asked.

"If that is what you wish Master Mikeala." He said repeated. I grabbed his hand and lead him away from Akane.

"Thanks Akane. I'll see you later." I said. She nodded.

I lead Yuuichiro out the door and I saw many people look at him in either disgust or pity. I lead him to my car and I climbed in. Yuuichiro went in the back seat and we drove off.

Time skip

"Here we are." I said. Yuuichiro silently got out of the car and stood behind me. I walked into my house and Yuuichiro was about to follow when he hesitated. I turned around.

"Are you coming in?" I asked.

"Am I allowed to Master Mikaela?" He asked. I frowned at him.

"Of course. Why wouldn't -" I cut myself off, remembering what Akane told me. I was guessing that one of his old 'owners' made him sleep outside or something. Yuuichiro followed me into the house.

"What do you want for lunch?" I asked. Yuuichiro looked up in surprise, but immediately looked back at the ground.

"What ever you wish for me to have Master." He said.

"Does chicked sound good?" I asked. Yuuichiro nodded. I walked into the kitchen an started preparing lunch. Yuuichiro watched me the whole time.

I looked back at him and saw him watching me with a confused look on his face. I frowned.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. Yuuichiro's eyes widened.

"N-No! N-Nothing is wrong Master!" He said, fear clear in his eyes. I sighed and walked over to him. I cupped his chin and forced him to look at me.

"I want you to know something Yuuichiro. In this house, you are not a slave. You are not a servant. And you most certainly do not get beaten or hurt for asking questions, looking me in the eyes or accidentally dropping, breaking, whatever, something. In this house, you do not get punished, you do not get abused, physically or sexually. You are my roomate and my friend. Not my servant or slave. That means you can call me Mikaela or Mika or whatever. But not Master. Okay?" I said.

Yuuichiro nodde his head. He had tears in his eyes.

"Yes Mas- Mika." He corrected. I smiled and let go of his chin.

"I know it will be difficult to break some of your habits, but I think we can do it. Now, would you like to help make lunch?"

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