What Happened To Us? (Stingue)

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Rogue's pov

We all sat in a circle at the guild hall. Sting and Yukino were sitting next to each other, as usual. We were playing spin the bottle. I was forced to do this. I really didn't want to, but... Minerva can be pretty scary at times.

Yukino spun the bottle and it landed on Minerva. They both started blushing. Yukino shyly placed her lips on Minerva's. After they finished, it was Rufus' turn.

Time skip

After almost everyone had spun it, Sting decided to go again. So far it hasn't landed on me. And I wanted to keep it that way. Unfortunately, the bottle pointed to me. My eyes widened. It's not that I didn't want to kiss Sting. Quite the opposite in fact, but Sting was with Yukino, it wouldn't be right.

"I don't want to kiss Rogue!" Sting said.

I looked down. I hadn't thought he was gonna say that. I honestly thought he was just gonna give me a peck on the cheek or something.

Minerva glared at him. "You have to. It's the rules." She said.

Sting glared back. He sighed. "Fiiine." He said.

He crawled over and placed a quick kiss on my lips. I flinched in surprise. I didn't really like people touching me but, I guess that kissing was okay.

Sting crossed his arms. "Happy?" He asked.

Minerva gave a small nod.

"I'm going home." I said softly. I stood up and started walking home.

He doesn't love you....

"I know that. You don't have to remind me."

But it's so much fun! And you're so close to losing yourself in the darkness. I can practically taste it!

My eyes widened. I hadn't realized that I was so close. Sting being with Yukino was slowly killing me everyday. I closed my eyes. I wasn't going to let anyone get hurt because of my stupid emotions.

I know what I have to do. It's not like anyone will miss me. I'm destined to hurt the people I love. That's not a future I want. Everyone will be safer if I'm... gone. I stood up and grabbed a notepad and pen.

Dear Sting and my friends,

I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore. The pain is too great and my shadow is close to possessing me. I don't want to hurt anyone. I would not suggest looking for me. You won't find me. At least not alive. There are so many things I want to say... But first, I want to say this.
Sting, I know you probably don't feel the same, plus you're with Yukino, but... I love you. I shouldn't, but I do. I wish I didn't. But love isn't something I can control.
Sting, I have two wishes for you.
First, don't blame yourself for what I'm about to do. I know you will, but it's not your fault. This is my decision and mine alone. Second, please, don't break up with Yukino. I can tell you love her lots. Don't let my death effect your relationship with her. If there's one thing I want, it's for you too be happy.
I don't really now what else to say except, can you please find someone to take care of Frosch for me? I would really appreciate it. I know you might think this is selfish of me, but I'm not happy with this cursed life of mine. To be constantly scared of every action, every thing I say. It's not the life I want.
I wish you all the best of luck in your life.


I finished my letter and placed it on the coffee table. I placed my cape on the sofa and walked out the door.

Sting's pov

I walked through the streets. I was going after Rogue. He looked pretty upset. I hope he's alright. I knocked on his door.

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