Alone Part 1 (Stingue)

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Rogue's pov

I love Sting. He's amazing, so kind and thoughtful. But not to me. Not anymore. He has someone else in his life. Someone more important.

He moved out. He wanted to live with her. I am so cold, so alone. Frosch is still here. But it's not the same. I love her too, but I love Sting. I want him.

I feel like I'm being selfish. And maybe I am. But that doesn't matter to me. Sting isn't there for me anymore. He doesn't comfort me when I wake in the dead of the night.

He isn't there, and I'm alone. So alone.

People think, that the shadows went away. But they didn't. They are still there. They are so close, so cold.

I have always been alone. People always leave me. It's just what happens. Maybe I'm destined to be alone. Skiadrum left me, Gajeel left me, and now Sting, is leaving me.

It's only a matter of time before Frosch leaves too.

I'm so scared. I have no one. I wake every night, crying. Crying for me, and calling for Sting. He never comes.

I'm so tired. So tired of my miserable life. I just want to lay down for a nap and never wake up.... just die in my sleep. I wish I could.

Frosch has noticed my change. No one else has though. No one else cares enough. Sting hasn't even noticed. We never talk anymore.

He's always with her. The love of his life. He doesn't see my pain. Doesn't see what he's doing to me. Because I don't let him.

Frosch is the one who sees. The only one I let to see. She sees my pain, my sorrow. She tries to comfort me, but I need Sting. I love him too much.

I want to move on. I want to be his friend again. I want him to be there. I don't want to be alone anymore!

I try to get him to see. I try to show him my pain. But he never sees.

I'm so alone in this world. This cruel, cruel world. I want to disappear. I don't want to cause any pain.

The shadows are taunting me. They are so close to succeeding. It scares me. I don't want to become that man. I don't want any other people to experience the same loneliness I have.

I am not a vengeful person. I love people. I dislike physical contact. I just want Sting to take me in his arms. To make me feel wanted, loved, happy again.

I've never been truly happy. Being with Sting is the closest thing I have felt to happiness. He is my light, but my light is dimming. I know what I must do.

"Frosch, are you okay? You look a little bored." I said. Frosch looked at me.

"Fro is a bit bored." She admitted. I gave her a gentle smile.

"Do you want to go to Sting's place to play with Lector?" I asked. Frosch hesitated, before nodding. I smiled at her.

"You can find the way yourself?" I asked. Frosch nodded. I opened a window and she flew out of my apartment. I waved to her and smiled.

As soon as she disappeared from sight, my smile fell. I went around the apartment and closed all the windows. As I did, tears started falling from my face.

Sting's scent still lingered in the apartment. It did not comfort me, but made me feel even more alone. More sad and cold. I was sick of living this way.

I hated it. This feeling of despair and hopelessness. I knew, Frosch would be fine with Sting. I didn't want to cause her sorrow, but I had no choice.

A life like this... isn't one worth living.

I unlocked my front door and made my way to the kitchen. More tears fell. I grabbed my sharpest knife and walked out of the kitchen.

I sat down with my back against the way. I stared at the knife. If I do this, I will be able to watch over Sting and the others... I will no longer be alone.

I raised the knife. I drove the knife straight through my heart with no hesitation. I gasped in pain. My hands fell limp and more tears fell.

Despite this, I smiled. I may be alone now, but soon, I won't be.

Sting's pov

Frosch had arrived about an hour ago and was know sleeping soundly on the couch with Lector. I smiled softly at the sight. I figured that Frosch was going to stay the night.

"Honey! I'm just gonna go to Rogue's for a bit." I called. She gave a faint 'K'.

I stood up and started walking to Rogue's apartment. I walked over to the door and was about to knock when I smelt it.


My eyes widened in horror. I banged on the door.

"Rogue?!" I called. There was no answer. I raised my foot and kicked down the door. The sight that greeted me, was horrifying.

Rogue was sitting up against the wall with a knife straight through his heart. I collapsed to my knees. I desperately crawled over to him.

"Rogue. W-Wake up!! T-This isn't f-funny." I said, my voice shaking. He didn't respond, didn't move. Tears started to fall. I sniffed the room, but I couldn't smell anyone else.

I couldn't only smell blood. So much blood. I cradled his body in my lap and cried. There was a small note in his limp, clod hand. There was only one word on it.


"WHY ROGUE!?!?!?" I screamed. He did this. He killed himself. I cried harder.


I can't believe I wrote this. I am evil. How could I do this to Rogue!? Why!? I'm sorry for completely destroying your feels. Should I do a part two? I promise that it won't be as sad. I do have an idea. Let me know in the comments. Yeah... I hope you didn't cry.... I tried to make this as sad as possible, but I feel like I failed..... Oh well.

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