For The Sake of Myself.

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Dirk's POV

"Listen English, I haven't seen you in weeks since I'm taking care of my bro. You know I can't leave the house nowadays 'cause of... um..." I scratched my head and leaned back against my wall. I'd been talking to Jake for about fifteen minutes. I was having a wonderful dream about something I can't quite explain, and I was awoken to the sound of my phone going off. I now sit in bed, listening to the handsome voice of my British boyfriend.

"I know love. It's hard to talk about and deal with, I understand. All you can really do though is take a couple of deep breaths, get up off your feet, and tell yourself 'I have to keep going, for the sake of my loved ones, and for the sake of myself.'" I smiled and sighed, getting up out of bed.

"If only you could tell that to Dave." I could hear a chuckle on the other side of the phone.

"Alright, I have to go to work. I'll come by later?"

"Sure. God knows I'll be here."

"I envy you, only because you don't have to work." I rolled my eyes.

"It's not that I don't have to. I don't have the time to, thanks to Dave. And I have enough money to last months, thanks to my great talent and good looks and--"

"I get it Mr. Narcissistic." I smiled.

"Bye." I said loudly.

"Bye, love you."

"Lies. Damn dirty lies... love you too." I hung up. I threw my phone on my bed and pulled my shirt off. I opened my dresser, looking for my regular black tank-top. Finally finding it, I slipped it on and grabbed my shades that were on top of my dresser.

I walked out of my room and down the hallway, peering into Dave's room. He was sleeping as usual.

I smiled, not at the sight of him, but from yesterday. When his little 'friend' came over. I knew that Karkat had a gigantic crush on him, and it made me happy to think that Karkat could be the key to Dave having some sort of weird epiphany. Like, some sort of 'oh my god what am I doing to myself someone actually loves me and I'm fucking myself up big time I just realized this' epiphany. I love and care for Dave, but it's usually hard for me to show him, so I can't really do anything to help.

I closed his door and walked down the stairs, almost tripping on one of my beloved Smuppets. Making my way into the kitchen, I began to raid cabinets and the fridge.


Almost a half an hour later, I reached victory. Three pancakes were stacked on top of each other on a plate in front of me, and not only were they actually edible, but they looked decent. Pretty fucking decent. I ran upstairs to grab my phone off of my bed, then bolted back down into the kitchen.

"Wait till English sees this." I mumble to myself. Taking a picture of my damn good-looking pancakes, I sent it to Jake. A moment later I received a text from him.

"Are... you trying to make a point?" He texted. I rolled my eyes and texted back.

"All I'm trying to point out is the fact that I made these pancakes. I made them and I'm proud. Because not only are these pancakes the best goddamn pancakes I've ever made, but are they made without help from ANYONE. And if it's a crime to love this beautiful creation of mine, then render me G-U-I-L-T-Y."

I press hard on the screen as I send, and then begin to look for another plate. My phone vibrates once more. I pick it up as I put the plate down.

"Lovely. If that's all you have to tell me, then I should probably go before anyone sees me using my phone. And I'm very proud of your pancakes."

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