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Dave's POV

"You ready Bro?" I heard from behind me. I turned to see Bro, standing in the doorway. Karkat and I were sitting in chairs, talking and waiting for our okay to leave. When I told Karkat that he didn't need to stay with me, he insisted that he stayed until I was allowed to leave. That was hours ago. A doctor came up from behind Bro, a smile on his face.

"Mr. Strider, you're allowed to go home, under one condition though. I'm sure your brother has said the same thing, you need to eat. Drink juices, eat nutritious foods. Starving yourself isn't the best option when you have an extremely low blood pressure." I sighed.

"HE WASN'T STARVING HIMSELF RETARD." Karkat growled at the doctor. I tried to cut him off before he said anything else. Unfortunately, he is much louder than I am.

"Karkat... it's fine..."

"NO IT'S NOT DAVE." Karkat stood up, coming close to the doctor. "THIS ASS NEEDS TO KNOW THAT YOU HAVE DEPRESSION, NOT FUCKING ANOREXIA. YEAH, YOU DON'T EAT, YOU DON'T HAVE THE ENERGY. AND IF THIS IDIOT WAS ANY GOOD AT HIS JOB, HE'D KNOW THAT!" The doctor didn't seem to mind his shouting. Karkat cursed under his breath and reluctantly sat back down.

"That's another thing I'd like to discuss." The doctor continued. He asked Bro, who was still standing in the doorway, to come in. He did, and the doctor handed him a small plastic bottle.

"This is medicine to help with Mr. Strider's condition. He needs to take one in the morning and one at night, on a full stomach." I stayed silent. I knew what Bro was going to do with those pills, and if he didn't, he knew I'd take care of them myself.

The ride home was silent. Karkat helped me to my room and sat me down on the bed. By now, it was around 3:30, and I was exhausted. The bottle of pills were in my hand, and I studied it, twisting the cap.

"I'M GOING TO GO USE YOUR BATHROOM." Karkat said as he left the room. Using what little energy I had, I stood up and dragged my legs to the window. I opened it, letting the warm breeze flow through my hair. I opened the bottle and let it fall, watching the tiny white pills go in different directions.

Closing the window, I sat back down on my bed in time to see Karkat walk back in.

"SO, WHAT NOW?" He asked. I shrugged and looked at my feet. Then, a thought popped into my head.

"Karkat... why... did you cry so much...?" I looked up at him. He folded his arms and sat down next to me.

"WHY DOES IT MATTER SO MUCH? I CARE ABOUT YOU, OKAY? I WAS WORRIED." There it was, that feeling in my stomach. The same one I had felt yesterday when Karkat showed up.

"Is... that it...?"


"...Sorry..." I whispered. I closed my eyes and let my head fall.

Karkat's POV

Somewhere in the distance I just knew Sollux was calling me a douche. I tried to apologize by hugging Dave, but instead of a hug, it was this pitiful choke-hold embrace. I believe Nepeta would call it a sad Tackle-pounce. I think he acknowledged it as a hug though, because he touched my hand that was on his chest.

Dave's POV

Karkat hugged me... at least I think it was a hug. I stroked his hand and felt him tighten his grasp around me.


The rest of the day, we just talked and watched movies. Jake came over around five, and stayed until seven. I didn't see him much, although he did stop by my room to say hello.

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