Chapter 1

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They had just taken down Loksat. Everything was fine, or so they had thought. Just as Rick was about to make their meal, Caleb snuck up on him and shot him. Kate heard this and shot him but it was too late. They all had been shot. This was it, Kate and Rick thought. They were going to die together. They crawled toward one another to hold hands. Kate whispered "I love you" to Rick. His eyes were closed. He didn't hear what she said. At this point, Kate didn't care about dying because if he was already dead, she thought "what is there to live for?" She felt so weak so she just laid there. She closed her eyes and thought about her and Rick's memories together. It wasn't until about 20 minutes later that Alexis had gotten there. She had forgotten one of her textbooks that she needed to study for one of her tests so she stopped by the loft. She couldn't believe what she had just seen. "Dad! Kate!" She yelled and ran over to their side. "I'm going to call for an ambulance. Everything is going to be okay. Just stay with me please." Kate opened her eyes for a moment. "Kate, just hold on. Okay? Help is coming." Kate was too weak to say anything so all she did was smile. She thought, 'thankfully Alexis is here and we're going to get help.' Rick was passed out and unresponsive.

They both had to undergo intensive surgery. Once they both had gotten out of surgery, they were fine thankfully. The doctors put the two of them in the same room. "So Mr and Mrs Castle, I have some great news. You're going to have a baby. The bullet did no damage to it. It just missed where the baby is in your stomach, Mrs Castle." They looked at each other smiling. "How far along am I?" "About 5 weeks." "Wow. This is amazing! Thank you, Doctor. You saved all of our lives." She said. "I'll be back later to check on the two of you." Rick and Kate hugged tightly. "We going to have baby." Rick said with excitement. "Are you sure you're happy about this? I mean- it uh- wasn't exactly planned." "Kate, of course I'm happy. Are you? You know I love kids. After all I am the baby whisperer. And I'm also a RHD, ruggedly handsome dad." This made Kate laugh. She had a flashback to when he said that to her when they had to look after Benny and how he need him Cosmo. "Of course I'm happy. I know I'm not a baby person but I know I will be when it comes to our child. I didn't even know I was pregnant. My period is late but I didn't think much of it because I've been so stressed about taking down Loksat and I've been worried about our safety and everyone else's. I just figured I was late because of all the stress." "Well we know now and I could not be more happy." He said, leaning in for a kiss. "Me too." Rick put his hand on Kate's stomach. "Hello, little one. Mommy and I can't wait to meet you."

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