Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

They stopped at the drugstore on their way home to pick up her prescription. While they were there, Kate bought some tampons and pads because she didn't have many left since she hadn't had her period in months so she didn't think to buy more. She also had been craving cookies and candy all day so she got some Oreos and Swedish Fish. On their way home in the car, she locked her one hand with Rick's and ate them with the other. "You know what would go great with these Oreos?" She said. "Milk." Rick replied, laughing. "Don't worry, we've got some home and you can have milk with your cookies." He said and Kate started to laugh. He pulled into the driveway and parked the car. "Want some?" She asked, winking and putting half of it in her mouth, with the other half sticking out. He nodded and their lips met. "You know what tastes better than Oreos?" He said, winking. "You. I say we go take a 'nap' and pick a "font'. What do you think of that plan?" This made Kate blush. "I love that plan but I still have really bad cramps, not to mention I'm still bleeding. Once I feel better, I promise you we will, babe." "I'm going to hold you to that." He kissed her passionately.

Rick took his keys out of his pocket. "Wait." Kate said, pulling his arm away from the door. He looked at her and she wrapped her arms around him. "Thank you for staying with me. I was so scared that we lost the baby and I don't know what I would have done without you being there." He caressed her cheek. "And I know I've been annoying with all these hormones being out of control but thank you for reassuring me while we were there." "Always, Kate. I love you." He said, before pulling her in for a long slow kiss. "Now let's go in there so you can rest." "On one condition. You have to cuddle with me" "Deal." He said, shaking her hand.

"Hello, mother and Alexis." Rick said, after him and Kate walked through the loft door. "Where have you been all day?" Martha asked. Rick and Kate looked at each other for a moment and then Kate nodded her head as if to say 'we need to tell them.' They didn't plan on telling anyone about the pregnancy scare because they didn't want anyone to worry. But since Martha and Alexis were at the loft a lot, they would see Kate on bed rest so they decided to tell them. "We were at the hospital." Before Kate could say another word, Alexis asked, "oh my goodness, are you okay? And what about the baby?" "Yeah we're both fine. We had a pregnancy scare today. I have bad cramps and I have been bleeding a lot. The doctors told me that I'm experiencing a placenta previa, which is when the placenta covers the cervix either partially or completely. But they prescribed me medication which will help to stop the bleeding and cramps but until then I have to be on bed rest. I go back for a check up in a week." "As long as you and the baby are okay, that's all that matters." Martha said and Alexis hugged Kate. "Please don't tell anyone about this. We don't want to worry anyone because everything is going to be fine. Especially my dad because he'll turn into that over protective dad who won't leave me alone." She said, giggling. "If he found out, he would probably be calling me every minute to check on me, which is very sweet, but I don't want him to worry and take days off from work just for me. I don't want anyone to stop everything they're doing just to take care of me. That goes for you all too." She said. "Oh, Katherine, don't be silly. We're all going to take care of you. Whatever you need." Kate tried to protest but Alexis stopped her. "No ifs, ands, or buts, Kate. We're going to help you while you're on bed rest." She said.

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