Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

*Kate is now eight months pregnant*

Kate put her dress on that took her forever to find because she hated the way clothes were fitting her. It was a light purple maxi dress. "You look stunning, Kate as always." Rick said. "Thanks, babe. Will you help me zip it?" Rick did just as she asked. "I have something for you." He said, grinning. "Please Rick, don't tell me it's a light saber." She laughed. He pulled a small box out of his dresser drawer. "Open it." He said and handed it to her. "This is beautiful. Thank you so much. I'll cherish it forever." It was a locket that had a picture of the two of them on one side and on the other side was a picture of an ultrasound of their baby girl. "When she's born, we can replace the picture of the ultrasound and put a picture of her in it." "I love you so much." She said and kissed him. He pulled her hair to the side and put it on around her neck.

*flashback to when Kate was four months pregnant*

"Wow!" Kate exclaimed, touching her stomach. "What happened?" Rick asked. "I just felt the baby kick for the first time. This is amazing. There's another human being inside me. It's our baby. We're going to start our family." She said, full of excitement and with a sparkle in her eyes. She took Rick's hand and rested it on her stomach. The baby moved and kicked again. "Did you feel that?" "That's amazing! That's our baby girl." He said, rubbing it. "We love so very much, sweetie." She said, looking down at her stomach.

*Present time*

Kate was staring off into the distance, rubbing her stomach and smiling. "What is my beautiful wife thinking about?" Rick asked, coming up from behind her, wrapping his hands around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder. "I was just thinking about when we felt her for the first time and now here we are 4 months later, getting ready for the baby shower and soon she's going to be born. I just can't believe it." "I know. Before you know it, Lily is going to be here." They had decided on naming her Lily because it was Johanna's favorite flower. "Lily Johanna Castle, we can't wait to meet you." She said, looking down at her stomach and she turned around so she was facing Rick. "I better get going. The baby shower starts soon and I promised Alexis that I would get there early because she said she had a surprise for me." "Alright, Kate. Have fun! And I'll see you later. I love you." He said.

"Kate!" Alexis exclaimed and ran over to her. "Hi, Lex." "Thanks for coming early. Come with me. I have to give you the surprise I was telling you about it." Alexis said, taking her hand. "Okay close your eyes. I'll guide you as you're walking." She said and they walked toward the collage poster Alexis had made. It had pictures of Kate, Johanna and Jim when Kate was a child. "Okay open them." "Oh my gosh, thank you so much, Alexis." She said, crying tears of joy. She pulled Alexis in for a tight hug. "I love you, Lex. This is one of the best gifts I have ever received. I will cherish this forever. I can't believe you did this. Thank you." "You're welcome, Kate and I love you too. It's the least I could do. You have been there for me so many times, I have lost count and you make my dad very happy. So thank you." She responded. "Ooo is that a candy table I see?" Kate asked, with her eyes wide open like a little kid on Christmas about to open their presents. "Yes! And it has all your favorites! Go grab some candy." She said and Lanie interrupted their conversation. "How's the mommy to be feeling?" Lanie asked. "I'm fine. No morning sickness today, thankfully. You all did a great job with decorating. Thank you for planning this. I can already tell this baby shower is going to be great." "Wait till you see the cupcakes Jenny made." Lanie said. "I already ate one and they are delicious." Alexis added. "Speaking of Jenny, where is she? I want to say hi and thank her for everything she did to help plan this." Kate asked. "I think she went out to her car to get the rest of the decorations." Lanie said. "Go take a seat while we finish setting everything up." Alexis said.

A few hours later, it was the end of the baby shower. They had played some baby shower games, opened the gifts and ate brunch. "Before everyone leaves, I want to say something." Kate began. "Thank you all for coming today and a special thank you goes to these three girls." She said looking at Lanie, Alexis and Jenny who were standing beside her. "They planned this whole thing and I couldn't be more grateful. Thank you for making this such a special day. I love you all so much. Rick and I are so lucky to have you in our lives."

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