Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"I'm so glad you're both okay!" Alexis said, running to her father and Kate's bedside. She hugged her father. "Ouch." The bullet wound stung when she did so. "I'm sorry." "Where's Gram?" He asked. "She's outside in the waiting room, talking with the Doctor." "Go get her. We have some news." Kate said. "I can't take any bad news. Is everything okay?" She asked, concerned. "Yes. Everything is great. Actually better than great. Spectacular. Fantastic. Amazing. Awesome. Perfect." "Okay, Dad. I get it." Alexis said, giggling. She left the room to get her grandmother. "Do you think they're going to be alright with this?" Kate asked. "Yes. What would make you think otherwise?" "I was just thinking that maybe Alexis wouldn't be because I'm not exactly her favorite person, given the history between you and I. I've lied to you. You've lied to me. We both have been put in danger because of me. Not to mention, she's had you all to herself for her whole life. So she might not want a sibling. And also, she's going to be so much older than this child." "No, Kate. You have not nothing to worry about. I think she would love having a sibling." Their conversation was interrupted when Alexis and Martha walked into the room.

"I never thought I'd see either of you again. I'm so happy and relieved that you both are safe and sound." Martha said. Rick and Kate smiled. "So what did you want to tell us?" Alexis asked. "I'm pregnant." Kate said. "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you both!" Martha said, starting to cry tears of joy and Kate pulled her in for a hug. "I'm going to have another grandchild. This is so exciting!" "I'm going to have a baby brother or sister. I can't wait to spoil this kid!" Alexis exclaimed, having a three way hug with Rick and Kate. "I've always wanted a sibling." There was a knock at the door. "You can come in." It was one of the doctors. "Mrs Castle, it's time for an ultrasound." Kate smiled and rubbed her stomach, as well as looking down at it. "Can we stay for it?" Alexis asked. "You don't even have to ask. Of course you can!" She replied. The doctor brought the equipment in. Kate lifted her top. "Okay, Mrs Castle, this might be a little uncomfortable." He said as he placed the gel on her abdomen. She squeezed Rick's hand, because it was slightly cold. He kissed the side of her hair, knowing that she was uncomfortable. The doctor turned on the monitor and they all looked at the black and white image on the screen. "That's our baby." Kate said, smiling and then rested her head on Rick's chest. "Yes it is." "What's the matter, Gram? Why are you crying?" Alexis asked. "I'm just so happy." "Me too." Alexis said, smiling at her.

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