Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

A few weeks went by and it was time to find out what the sex of the baby was at Kate's next appointment. "So it's looks like you're going to a baby girl. Congratulations." The doctor said. Rick kissed the top of her head. "Thank you, Doctor." Kate said. "I'll give you some alone time. Don't think forget to make your next appointment on your way out." She said, before closing the door. "I can't believe we're having a girl. This is amazing Rick." She said, kissing him passionately. "We made a baby together and now we're starting our family." She said, starting to cry tears of joy. "You don't know how long I've waited for this moment. I love you so much." He said. "I love you too." She replied.

*months went by and Kate was now 6 months pregnant*

She was very uncomfortable and was never feeling well. Her morning sickness had gotten much worse. She had just woken up from taking a nap. "How are you feeling, honey?" Rick asked. "I'm fine. I'm just alittle tired." She lied. She didn't want Rick worrying about her. She was feeling terrible. She always had a headache and was feeling nauseous all the time. But she wasn't fooling him. He knew she wasn't feeling well. All he did was want to help. But with all of Kate's hormones being out of whack, she was very moody toward everyone. "I made you some chicken noodle soup." He said, serving it to her in bed. "Thanks." She said before taking a spoonful. "Oh my gosh, what time is it?" She asked. "I told Lanie I would meet her, Martha, Alexis and Jenny at Remy's for a quick bite to eat around 5. They wanted to talk to me about planning the baby shower." "It's only 3. You have enough time to finish eating and to get dressed." He said. She finished the soup and decided to take a bath before she got ready to leave. Rick turned on the water for her and when it got high enough he turned on the jets for her. He helped her get in the tub. He massaged her back and her neck. "Thank you. That feels so good." "Anytime babe." He washed her hair and massaged her scalp while doing so. "Mhmm cherries." He said and Kate laughed. "I remember when you first told me I smelled liked cherries." "Yeah and then Espo and Ryan walked in and asked if they interrupted something which of course they were." Rick said giggling. "I wanted to kiss you so bad at that moment. But I was too stubborn to admit I was falling for you." Kate said. "Well I mean how could you not? After all I am ruggedly handsome." He said. Kate laughed. Once she finished taking her bath, Rick helped her get out of the tub and then wrapped a towel around her. She wrapped her arms around him. "I am so sorry." "For what?" "For being so moody lately. I've been such a bitch. To you and everyone else. I'm truly sorry for being that way. My hormones have been all over the place and I haven't feeling well and-" he cut her off. "Listen to me, Kate. There's nothing to be sorry about. We all understand that you're not yourself. I know you've been uncomfortable lately and the pregnancy has been taking its toll on you. It's okay to be moody." She smiled and kissed him. "I better go get dressed or I'm going to be late."

"Hey girls." Kate said. "How's the mommy to be feeling?" Martha asked. "I'm okay. Just really tired. I feel like I have no energy to do anything." "Yeah that's how I was by the last trimester of my pregnancies." "So what did you want to talk to me about?" Kate asked. But before they could answer, the waitress came with their drinks and took their orders. "Well we were thinking we could have the baby shower at the house in the hamptons. What do you think?" Alexis said. "We thought it was a good idea." Jenny said. Kate started to cry. "If you don't want to have it there, that's fine too." Martha said. "We didn't mean to upset you." Lanie said. "No you didn't. I'm crying happy tears. The hamptons is where Rick and I started our life together as husband and wife and now it's where we can have the baby shower and start our family together. These damn hormones are making me emotional. I'm sorry." She said. The girls smiled. "It's okay." Lanie said. "We understand." Martha added. "So all we need you to do is create the registry." Alexis said. "We'll take care of the rest." Jenny said. "Thank you all so much for planning this. It means a lot to both me and Rick." Kate replied.

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