Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Rick and Kate were able to leave the hospital and go home after 2 days of being there. "It feels so good to be home." Rick said. "Yes it does. And to know that we're safe now." She said and Rick smiled at her and touched her stomach, "what would you and our baby like for breakfast? I'll make you anything you want." "Well you know," Kate said, pulling him toward her, "I'm craving you." She said, winking at him, "but for right now, I think our baby wants a smorelette." He kissed her. "Okay one smorelette coming right up." First he made her a cup of coffee which was in the shape of a heart. "The doctor said I can only have 1 cup of coffee a day. How am I going to do this? I love your coffee." "I thought you loved me." Rick said, teasing her and Kate laughed. "Well of course I love coffee but not as much as I love you." She said. "If you can only have 1 cup of coffee a day then I'll only have 1 cup of coffee a day." He told her, as he flipped the smorelette on the pan. He put some fruit on a plate in the shape of a smiley face. He then put the smorelette on another plate. Kate took a bite. "Mhmm so good. So I was thinking we should have my dad, Lanie, Ryan, Jenny, and Espo over later tonight so we can tell them the news." Jim had left as soon as he found out they were okay because he had to get back to work and Ryan, Lanie, and Esposito did the same thing because there had been a murder that they had to investigate. They had left before Rick and Kate found out she was pregnant. "I think that's a great idea." Rick said.

Kate felt her stomach turn so she ran into the bathroom and Rick followed her. He held her hair and rubbed her back slowly. After she got sick, she said "I'm sorry you had to see that." "Don't be. I'm going to be here for you during the pregnancy. I wouldn't be anywhere else." Kate smiled and hugged him. "I'll go get you some water to drink." He said and then kissed her forehead. She brushed her teeth and splashed water on her face. After wiped her face with a towel, she looked in the mirror. Her makeup was smudged and she looked pale. Rick came back with the water. "Rick just go away!" He put the cup of water down and said, "what's wrong Kate?" "I don't want you to see me like this. I look disgusting." She said, taking one of her makeup remover wipes and rubbed it on her face. "Kate, look at me." He said, touching her chin. She looked into his eyes, "you're beautiful inside and out. And so what, you have morning sickness. That doesn't mean anything." She kissed him. "You always know the right thing to say." Kate took a sip of the water and then finished taking her makeup off. "Alright let's get you into bed. You need to rest." He said, holding her hand. She changed into sweatpants and one of his t shirts. He kissed her cheek and pulled the covers over her, "I'm going to clean the kitchen. I'll be right back." When he was finished, he went into their bedroom and Kate was asleep so he quietly and gently got into the bed and held her close to his chest.

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