Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"What about this one, Kate?" Rick asked, pointing to a baby monitor. They were at Babies R Us creating the registry for Kate's baby shower. "That one sounds good. It has wireless Bluetooth compatibility and all we have to do is download the app and it will connect to our phones so we'll be able hear her from her nursery on our phones." Kate said. "What do you think about this bedding?" Kate asked. They went through all of the isles in the store and put items one by one on the registry. Kate started to tear up. "What's wrong?" Rick asked. "My mom. She would have loved to be apart of this. Planning the baby shower. Helping pick out what to put on the registry. What games to play at the baby shower. What food to have at it. She's not going to be here to see our daughter grow up. She's not going to be here to see her at the hospital when she is first born, hear her first word, see her take her first step, be there for her first birthday, see her go to prom, congratulate her when she graduates, she's not going to be there for her wedding." Kate was crying so hard, she couldn't get any more words out of her mouth. He pulled her in for a tight hug. "I'm so sorry, Kate." He said and wiped away her tears despite the fact that they kept falling. "But you know what?" "What?" "She may not be there physically to see her go through all the milestones but she will be watching over her." He said and Kate smiled. "Yeah, you're right. I just miss her so much." She pulled away from him, releasing from their hug. "I'm going to visit her grave. Can you come with me?" She asked and he kissed her cheek. "Yes, of course I'll come with you."

"Mom." Kate began, laying down flowers beside Johanna's grave. "I'm pregnant. Rick and I are going to have a girl." She said, holding his hand. "I wish you were here with us to experience the pregnancy and to be there for all the planning. I wish you were here. I miss you so much." She started crying and sat beside the grave. Rick sat down next to her and caressed her cheek and kissed her forehead. "She loves you very much." He said.

She then got a sharp pain in her abdomen. "Owww!" She yelled, rubbing her stomach. "Rick, there's something wrong. My stomach hurts." She started bleeding through her pants. "Oh no!" She said when she saw the blood stain. "We need to get to a hospital ASAP!" Rick picked her up and quickly ran to the car with her in his arms. "It's going to be okay." He said, trying to reassure her. "You don't know that." She said to him, nervously. 

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