Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Kate woke up next to Rick. "How long was I asleep?" "About 3 hours." "What time is it?" "5:30, everyone is going to be here soon." "I better get dressed." She said and gave him a quick kiss. "How are you feeling?" "I'm fine, I just don't have any energy. I feel a little nauseous but that's it." She said, grabbing some clothes out of the dresser and then headed to the bathroom to put her makeup on and change into the clothes she had picked out.

About an hour later, Jim, Lanie, Esposito, Ryan, Jenny and their kids, Sarah Grace and Nicholas Javier arrived. "Welcome home!" Lanie said and hugged Kate. "I'm so glad you are okay." Ryan said to Rick and patted him on the back. "The food smells delicious." Esposito said. "Yeah it does, what are you making?" Jenny asked. "Spaghetti and meatballs." Kate replied. "Yay!" Sarah Grace cheered. "That's my favorite!" She said. Kate took her hand and brought her to the kitchen table and sat her down in a chair. She put some on her plate. "Thank you auntie Kate."

After they all had finished dinner, Kate took Rick's hand and said, "okay everyone. We have an announcement to make." Rick looked at her and smiled and she smiled back. "I'm pregnant!" She exclaimed, full of excitement. "I can't wait to have a grandchild. This is amazing, Katie." Jim said. "That's so exciting!" Jenny said. "Congratulations!" Lanie said. "I'm so happy for you!" Esposito said. "Me too." Ryan said. "But you know, Kevin. I'm going to be the baby's favorite uncle." "Says who?" "Me. I'm the best." "No." "Yes." "No." "Yes." Their playful arguing lasted about a minute until Lanie said, "shut up you two. You're both getting on my nerves." Kate and Jenny bursted out laughing. "so who wants dessert?" Rick asked, heading over to the refrigerator to take the cake out. "MEEE!" Sarah Grace said.

Once dessert was over, Jim went home because he had to get up early the next day because he was going hiking with a few of his friends. "Bye dad. Thanks so much for coming." "You know I wouldn't be anywhere else." He replied. "I'll talk to you tomorrow. Send me pictures of the beautiful scenery." Kate said and he smiled. Esposito and Lanie left too. They were secretly dating again so they ended up going to a club afterward.

Kate spent time with Sarah Grace while Jenny and Ryan tended to their little one. They went into Rick and Kate's room so she could breast feed Nicholas and have some privacy doing so. "Do you want to make a fort of blankets and then watch Frozen?" The little girl smiled. Kate knew that was her favorite movie because her recent birthday was Frozen themed and her and Rick got her Anna and Elsa pajamas and costumes so she could dress up like the characters. They made the fort and Kate put the DVD on. "Want some popcorn sweetie?" She asked. "Yes." "Uncle Rick makes the best homemade popcorn. We'll show you how he does it." Rick took out the popcorn machine and put the curnels in it. Sarah Grace was amazed to see them pop. "Wow. That's so cool." She said.

After everyone left, Kate felt emotional. Rick could tell something was wrong. "What's going on, Kate? What's wrong?" "What if I'm not a good mother? What if I mess up and make mistakes? What if I do something wrong? What happens if I don't do a good job raising our child?" "Kate stop. You're going to be a great mother. There's no manual to tell you how to be a perfect parent. You figure out how to raise your child along the way. Do you know how many mistakes I made with Alexis? It's okay to do so. Don't worry. I saw the way you were with Sarah Grace. You were amazing with her tonight. You're going to be just fine." He said, touching her stomach. She put her hand on top of his and kissed him.

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