Chapter Twenty || Show Yourself

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Date: December 03

Location: House of Blues - Boston, Mass

"Promise to be nice?" I asked softly to the boy who was barely speaking to me.

"I promise not to kick his ass" Terrance huffed. Close enough.

I sighed then reached for his hand. "I'm sorry"

"Don't apologize to me Abigail" he said fiercely snatching his hand away.

I frowned at how cold he was being but I couldn't hate him for it.

My drunken ranting led to a terrible morning after. In fact my whole trip after that night was horrible which is why I was so relieved to leave. However not relieved that Terrance was tagging along.

The morning after I woke up my house was so quiet and I wondered why till I walked into the kitchen and found them standing there. Isis, Will and Terrance. Hector wasn't in sight thankfully.

I had no clue why they looked so serious so I asked them and they asked me if I remember what I said the night before, I was so drunk I couldn't even remember my own name. They kindly reminded me.

While their faces screamed disappointment and anger I tried my hardest to hold back my tears. I lied to them for months for the benefit of me and now they all knew.

Will was the first to speak, I think they were just saving the worse for last. He reminded me that he would support me no matter what and that I deserved a love so great people would right stories about it.

His kind words prepared me for the hell ahead.

Isis went next. I knew she would be harsh because she is who she is. She kept in brief. She reminded me about how much I praised him just to find out he's a piece of shit. How I threw away my life for him just for him to cheat on me.

With that she left.

I expected for Terrance to just go off, not hold back. Instead he just followed his sister out and hasn't spoken to me since. We've said small things to one another but I don't think he wants to talk to me about the truth because he knows it hurts. Not just me but him as well.

"We're here" I sighed parking the car behind one of the tour buses.

Since they were practically no space on any of the buses Terrance was more than content on spending a few nights in the car we drove down in.

Of course we drove down since New York is only a few hours outside of Boston .

When we got out the car grabbing our bags with us I rushed to get to the bus leaving Terrance behind a bit so I could prepare the guys for who I decided to bring along.

"She's back!" Adam cheered as I stepped on the bus.

"I am" I smiled then hugged each of them quickly before reaching Matty. "I brought a-"

"Terrance" Adam said softly.

When I turned to see Terrance's face he didn't even bother to smile. "I need to shower"

"Is he staying?" George asked pointing to the bags.

"Yeah" I nodded then smiled at Matty. "Hi"

"Hi" he smiled then cupped my face and kissed me. I heard someone scoff behind me and I knew it was T.

"Can we talk?" I giggled against his lips.

"Of course" he nodded and instead of leading me to our room he led me outside. Figured if we start yelling the guys wouldn't hear as much.

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