Spirit Of The Rhythm (Sneak Peak)

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  • Dedicated to Late Great Michael Jackson R.I.P

"Michael? Michael?, when are you going to release another album? you haven't released one since the Blood On The Dance Floor album, How are Prince and Paris?, The man said shoving the mike close to my face. Bryan my guard quickly moves the mike away. "Mr.Jackson isn't answering questions at this time so if you will please back away ",I silently thank Bryan as he pushes me gently ahead. The other reporter's try to take a stab at me with the same question with more or less emphasis. Luckily Bryan was able to get me into the awaiting SUV ahead of us. I quickly climb in hiding my face. We soon pull off heading to my beloved home. Neverland. The entire ride I couldn't get that question out of my head. When was I coming back? Sad thing about that is that I can't answer that so Bryan saved me. I haven't found time nor inspiration for a new album. With the pressure's of being a good dad and my recent divorce from Debbie Rowe all in the papers. And to top it all off my chronic insomnia isn't getting any better. I try to restrain from using over the counter medicine but they numb the void in my life. They make me forget things I couldn't forget on my own. They make me feel at ease, they make me feel that for those few hour's of sedation Michael Jackson isn't a child molester, a freak, a weirdo, a homosexual. For those few hour's I'm... Michael. Though after those few hour's reality hits and I come back to earth knowing im not only failing my fan's but my two bundles of joy. Speaking of them there they are. As we enter the gates of Neverland I see them waving happily at me. I smile and when the car came to a stop I quickly got out. They ran up to me instantly clinging to me in a warm embrace. I laugh. How is daddy's prince and princess?,I said planting a kiss on each of their heads. They both break the hug. "We missed you daddy!" Paris said with her crystal blue eye's shining with adoration. Prince nods in agreeing. I missed you guys too,I said picking them both up. I walk inside as they tell me everything that did earlier in the day. I watch and laugh. Gosh the remind me of one reason I carry on. As do my fan's as another reason. I thank God for both reasons. Although sometimes I wish things were different. I love my life, but it's also draining me. With everything going on in my life. I guess I was in thought too long because Paris taps me repeatedly. I look at her. "Daddy are you OK?", I nod. Yes daddy's ok, I look up seeing Linda my nanny entering the room. I look at Paris and Prince. You guys go with Ms.Linda so she can get your baths ready ok?, they look at her happily and walk off with her. I sigh. Even my children can see it. I need to just get away from it all clear my head. I just don't want to leave music behind fully. I don't want to have to choose between a semi normal life or music. What am I going to do?...

To Be Continued...

A/N: hope you guys liked the sneak peak the other story sneak peak will be up later thanks lovelies!! ♥♥

●﹏● -Marilyn.E

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