Chapter 13♚

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  • Dedicated to Chris Tucker

*Michael's Point Of View *

they say the worst part of breaking up is well breaking up, but that's partially true the worst part is having your ex move on, and I can say seeing Lisa again and her basically telling me she needed to move on, it hurt because I felt I gave her my all yeah sometimes I maybe acted or drifted away But you try telling or well convincing people that you didn't have sexual relations with a child and then all the other rumor's, I tried to give her hints when I come home I leave that crap out the door, I don't want to talk about it yeah maybe sometimes I did talk about it but I realize reliving it just breaks me more, I just don't understand why she couldn't just stay so we could work it out because I was willing but I guess it wasn't worth fighting for, after she left and I bathed and played with Paris and Prince I put them to bed and stayed up working on my song's Chris called me but I didn't want to talk, he kept trying making me laugh here and there and he wants to come over today so I agreed then got off the phone with him and just laid in my bed holding my doll, I closed my eye's signaling sand man to work his magic, and to no avail sand man didn't come so I settled for some sleeping medicine I got from some doctor I talked to while in Ireland, after awhile the medicine kicked in and I was pulled into a deep slumber...

*Chris Point Of View *

after not really hearing from Mike and seeing on the news that anaconda Presley was back I decided to go visit him, I worry about him alot I mean he seems like he is kinda wasting away mentally but I think his new album will give him that old magic and spark he had, I've been kinda busy with my new movie Friday that came out last year, they are working for a sequel and I'm too hyped about it,plus another movie I could be working with Jackie Chan that Bruce Lee renake!, I like him he is funny that accent and stuff, I pull up to Mike's gates and Bill is giving me a hard time, Bill stop being and ass and open the gate, "if you say the line I'll stop ",I sigh,fine you ass wipe, "good now say it ",You got knocked the fuck out!, I said repeating my lines from my movie Friday, he laughs hard and then the gates open, I chuckle to myself, as I pull in the drive way and give my car to the valet as I walk up to Bill, you are an ass you know that, he laughs, I shake my head and started to walk towards the door, but Bill block's me, "say the other line please and do you have any illegal substance or anything? ",he said as he smiles then got serious holding in laughs, I give him a look, Bill you know it was just a movie right? is it because I'm black? now move with your Morgan Freeman looking ass, he chuckles, "Chris Tucker you are something else and one you know I'm black too right?  so don't use that one me and two I don't look like him",he said still blocking me laughing, move Bill I'm tired of playing with your overbite a..,oh hey mike whats up man?!, I said giving Bill another look he smiles and stops blocking me as I walk to Michael, Michael laughs, "you guys are funny and Chris you really need to work on that language ",I shake my head laughing, I know my bad Mr Peter pan, he stops walking and looks at me laughing, "in the flesh! ",he said doing his Peter pan pose, I laugh at him as we head in the house, I turn around to Bill and flick him off he laughs and turns facing the gates, so Mike where are the kiddies?, "oh they were in the theater room watching little rascals last I seen haha they love old movies ",he said as we walked into the theatre room seeing Paris and Prince sitting watching the movie well Paris was Prince was throwing popcorn trying to catch it in his mouth,I laugh as Michael grabs Paris and spins her around, Prince walks up to me and I stick my tongue out at him,he mimicks me as we make faces at each other Michael snaps a picture of us, "this ones a keeper! ",we both laugh, then after awhile it was getting dark so Michael's maid got the kid's and me and him talked for awhile he told me about his and Lisa's conversation they had he cried a little but stopped after awhile, I feel bad for him because he really loved her I don't know about Debbie,I get some courage to ask about Debbie, Mike be honest do you or did you LOVE Debbie Rowe?, he looks at me kinda surprised then looks down playing with his hands, "I did well I don't know I loved the fact about her giving me children but I had love for her I don't know honestly ",I look at him, Michael don't feel shamed I mean you did want kid's and she was willing to give that to you so you felt you HAD to be in love with her?,"I don't know I don't like putting it that way but I did LOVE her maybe not like she loved me but it was there ",he said I get up and pat his back, it's ok Mike you didn't do anything wrong it's ok to admit stuff like this, he looks at me a offended, "Chris I did LOVE her ok?! ",he said standing up getting defensive...

*Michael's Point Of View *

I don't know why he is standing here questioning my love I had for Debbie Rowe!, he looks down rubbing his temple's, "Michael I'm your friend so I'm gonna be honest I don't think you were in love with Debbie you were in love with the fact she was giving you kid's ",I look at him crazily, Chris how can you say that you are my friend!, "look Mike Iove you so I gave you my honesty but you know if you can't even admit the truth then I'm not gonna waste my time I'm gonna go I'll call you tomorrow ",he said grabbing his coat, he walks out then Bill comes to me a few minutes later saying he left, I nod and head to the kid's rooms I check on both of them giving them a soft kiss as I cut each of their room lights off and slightly closed their doors and went into my room I sat on the bed, and held my face in my hands, why do people do that to me? I did love her it was love she loved me enough to give me children so I loved her enough to marry her that's LOVE right?

...To Be Continued....

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