Chapter 23

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  • Dedicated to Prince Michael (Blanket) Jackson ll

*Michael's Point Of View*

in the words of all who thought of themselves as greatness.. "there are those who fear greatness and there are those who embrace it ..the ones whom embrace greatness only end up recieving greatness the one"s who fear it soon will become it" i never really understood that i mean how can someone who fears something become that?, i've heard of people fearing to become like their parents and end up like ....them. wow really jsut answered ,y own question. i guess you could say i fear greatness because i fear God but in a truthful sense i trust him believe that but i know i have no other fear ..well only that of not being accepted which is for some reason my number one fear a;ways has and always will...being accepted by your own species is like a prize ...or like a young cub finally being let in his fathers pack as no longer a small dainty cub but a mighty fearless lion.... quite strange how the world works that way if you ask me...i know acceptance is all we ask for as humans.. acceptance of being gay...acceptance of being black,white,asian, acceptance to be who we are and not be judged by it like some deprived crimminal...

i walk downstairs looking around no sign of Paris or Prince... i want them to be here when the kids come from Steve's program, i look in their room's,no sign.,i dont usually panic but yeah there's a first for everything right? i walk into kitchen and see Linda my Nanny/Chef. have you seen Paris or Prince?,she looks up from cutting sandwhiches,"umm last i saw the little one's went outside with Mr.Bray",she said looking back down finishing her mini assignment(making and cutting sandwhiches),ok thankyoi so much and i told you i could have called a catering company and  you could have the day off,she looks at me smiling warmly "no disrespect Mr,Jackson but this is what i love doing especially for the kid's so if you don't mind i would like to finish plus if i wanted to have a break or dayoff i would ask but for now im ok",i put my hands up in defeat ..,yes ma'am,she laughs shaking her head and i walk out skipping a littlle, i stop when i see Bill riding on the ferris wheel with Paris and Prince, they must have spotted me because they instantly light up and wave at me i smile and wave back, watching them for awhile kinda made me think about my father and how i wanted that and how i pictured having kids and him being in Bill's place doing what Bill is doing with the kids spending time with them... it also makes me think about another kid.. yeah i want another child i really do, i smile and walk to them as they got off....

*2 years later*                                                                                                                                                            ma'am you do know you don't have to do this i wouldn't want to take your child and have you regret it,i said looking into the womans eye's a woman who i would soon be thankful for a woman i would never know her name a woman who would give me the best thing Gid ever invented or created humans to do ...she will give me my son or daughter she will help me add to my family giving me another chance at fatherhood she ...who may not or ever be named... but only known as my surogate mother..she looks at me with thankfulness and even a hint of unsureness,part of me wants her to hurry and say yes, part of me knows she is still a woman basically selling her child,part of me feels bad for taking her child,"Mr.Jackson I would like nothing more than to bare this chhild all i ask is that you make sure to tell him/her that their mother did love him/her ok?" i nod and with that the procedure continued.....

....To Be Continued.....

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