Chapter 2♚

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"Mike where are we going? ".Chris said as we ride on the intersection

just turn in here then make a right please. he does as I  asked.

"Mike man you could've just told me you wanted to go to the mall"

,he said trying to find a parking spot. I chuckle, Chris that

would've sucked the fun out of it seeing you guess is funny

Christmas,he finds a park and looks at me and laughs."did you

call me Christmas? ",l laugh. yeah I'm gonna call you Christmas

it's funny hey can you turn up the music a bit?, I asked tapping

my hands to the beat. He  turns it up it's a 50cent song I start beatboxing the beat. Chris gives me another crazy look."Mike! I didn't know you listen to this kind of music! ",I stop,kinda offended. I hate when

people assume things about me it's nothing wrong with making

assumptions. But I get offended sometimes I try not to  show it.

yeah I like the beat he is talented, He nods as he stops the car.

"Mike you know we can't go in here right?, Mike did you hear me?"

*Chris's Point Of View*

That Michael is something else I turn off the car only to see him

putting on a Spiderman mask and gloves then a baseball cap.

Mike man I don't know who you think you are going to  fool! This is

like me stealing a piece of my great grandma, cranberry and she

going round asking who stole a piece of pie and I say no with the

evidence all over my face and get a big a....he cuts Me off,

Christmas don't curse, and you are so country ".I look at him

surprised as he starts laughing at my expression . he always call

me country every time I say something or he laughs at

everything  I say he says he can't help but laugh at me. Mike you

are not gonna fool anyone, he steps out the car. I follow, "Chris, I

just want a hint of normality even if for a few minutes now

come on please?", I nod. I feel bad for him sometimes because he

seems so lost And lonely I try to be a good friend to him, because

most take advantage of him I even try to tell him about letting

too many people in his life but all he does is say in that soft

voice of his "Chrish don't worry about me I trust these people", i laugh at my thought a little because he always pronounces my name like that 'Chrish' instead of 'Chris'.I'm brought out of my thought by Michael,"Chris come on! ,I shake my head out of thought and nod, y-yeah sorry I was thinking, "about what? ",How these fan's are gonna tear you to

pieces, He laughs and we walk the the mall as we walk in no one

really pays attention but a couple people gasp saying my name

some people laugh at Michael. Mike surprisingly no one notices

you,"Told you Christmas, no need to worry ",l chuckle then we

walk in this mattress place and Michael grabs a pillow and throws

it at me."Think fast Chris! "I duck the manager and other people start

looking, haha Mike man stop the manager is gonna kick us out,

he throws another pillow, "Chris just have some fun ",he chuckles I look at the manager with a apologetic smile. Then turn back to see Michael but I don't see him. Spidey!, I said turning around to see him leaning on a railing with a pillow....

*Michael's Point Of View •

I decided to have a little fun by throwing pillows at the people on

the first level of the mall below me

I see a woman walk past me, oh please don't let her recognize me,

she just looks at me like I'm crazy ,I'm use to it. "Mike don't do

what I think you are going to do man come on ".Chris is such a

party pooper at times, I just want to have it little fun Christmas

now watch this, I take the pillow and pull out my Sharpie and

sign it and threw it down at some random person and I backed

away quickly from the railing dragging Chris with me, "what the put my hand over Chris mouth. watch it Christmas now come on, I slowly walk back to the railing to see a lady pointing up I quickly back away then I accidentally bump into it little boy I turn around to help him up, I. sorry little buddy, his mom looks at me crazily then covers her mouth, I look at her confused as I feel my mask fly off my head a couple people passing start

covering their mouths some girls screamed causing more attention Chris quickly grabs Me as we try to run away from the growing crowd but I start feeling bad I get out of Chris's grip and turn around to my fan's, "Mike come on -.Chris I want to sign some autographs I'm not gonna be rude to my fan's. "ok Mike but just a couple we don't have your body guards ".I  nod as I signed it. Along with a couple shirts and papers then this teenage boy walks up to me. "hi Mr.Jackson can you sign my binder? ",He said nervously. I give him a gentle smile taking his binder. Sure what's your name?,"it's David ",ha-ha nice name, "thanks can I uhh ask a question? ",I

think for a minute then nodded. "well one,when are we  see you gonna

perform again? And two, would you check out some of my moves? ",
why do  they always ask that? uhh soon and sure show me, he nods

and starts mimicking some of my moves. Wow you are pretty

good keep it up and follow your dreams, "thank-you Mr Jackson

",I nod then some girl comes up to me crying, "can I hug you

please Michael? ",I nod and she grabs me a little roughly and I hug

her holding the back of her head as she keeps saying she love's

me. I LOVE hearing that from my fans but I know it's just like

saying you LOVE a pair of shoe's. I let go slowly but she won't let me

go a mall security guard finally comes after two minutes and gently

pulls  her off of me I almost fell as she held on to me as they pulled

her away, gosh LOVE hurts....

To Be Continued...


Spirit Of The Rhythm♚ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now