Chapter 19♚

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*Michael's Point Of View *

we had to call the mall so I can shop,there's still a crowd every shop I go into but it's enough for my bodyguards to handle, I'm in this shop that sales antiques there is a few other people in here because I wanted to feel normal shopping with other's you know not as a celebrity just as a human being, there's this man who keeps staring at me and acting squirmish, it's kinda creepy But I'm use to it, his friend has a camera and pull my hat down a little more, I have on my fedora with my shades and medical mask on ,the man starts walking to me but then turns around, I chuckle to myself, he does this for a few minutes then finally comes all the way Bill them go to stop him but I give them a signal that he is ok, the man starts ranting nervously and started handing me some shades, "Michael no matter what the press saids I will forever be your fan here take my glasses please? ",I smile under my mask and slowly took the shades, the man turns around and jumps screaming and clapping his hand's, I look at the shades and put them in my pocket, I LOVE moment's like this getting close to my fan's, I Point to the stuff I want and they put it on my tab so I can buy it when it comes delivered to neverland, I decide I'm done shopping for today, I quickly was rushed out the mall to the underground parking lot, as we are walking to my car there was two German girls a blonde haired girl and a brown haired girl, the blonde was crying hysterically, the brown haired girl walked to me as I motion for Bill to let her, he nods and moves, she comes to me with a strong German accent, "hi can my friend get a autograph please she is a big fan? ",I nod smiling through my mask I take a step towards the woman with the blonde hair and she holds her mouth still crying, she removes her hand and asks me for a autograph,I take her pen and paper and gave her one ending with a note, she smiled and took it,"may I get a hug? ",she looks at my bodyguards then at me I nod and she went in and hugged me I held the back of her head and rubbed her back as she hugged my neck, she whispered I LOVE YOU over and over as she broke the hug, I give her a smile through my mask as I see her fall back with tears saying he hugged me, I look at her a little worried But Bill said we had to go since a crowd was starting to come I nod as we head back to my hotel, on our ride back we drove past a playground, it reminded me of my Paris and Prince then reminded me about the question I was asked the other day, where the kid's mine and do I let them see their father?!, that makes me sad but angry, because why can't those kid's possibly belong to me? this is why I didn't want anyone to see them and then bam! photos leaked of Paris, I don't really discuss my personal life I figure I don't have to those kid's are mine no matter what any one saids... I'm interrupted out of my thought by Bill opening my door, I flash a smile at him, Bill I'm going to call Paris them so if you want to bodyguard me then let's hurry and take this jog, he laughs and nods, I hurry and jog up the stairs in the back of hotel, with two bodyguards in front and Bill in the back, when we finally reach the hotel lobby I quickly jog up more stairs till I find my secret way to my room I go through my little hidden door and end up in my room, I laugh to myself seeing only Bill knew where to go out of all the bodyguards, haha Bill you can keep up with me?, he is breathing hard holding his chest putting one finger up, oh nevermind no shush with your weazing I'm trying to make a call, he let's out a tired chuckle and sits, I dial my mothers number ..

*"hello? "

hey mother!

"oh hey Michael hunny hows NewYork? "

it's great I just miss my little munchins!

"(laughs ) I know you do they miss you too oh here is Paris.. Paris it's daddy! ","(gasps ) daddy?!"

(chuckles ) yes princess it's me

"daddy I miss you!  when are you coming back? "

(silence ) umm I'll try to be back soon daddy has alot to do right now

"(sighs ) daddy Mr tubbs doesn't like that you are gone "

(chuckles ) well tell Mr Tubbs I'm coming back just wait, where's Prince?

"umm he is sleep mima said it's his all...erg...gies "

oh I see ask her do I need to come there,

"ok! "

(few minutes later )

"she said no "

(sighs) ok good I miss you so much princess

"I miss you too!  daddy I was in a book!

really what book?

"I don't know grandma wouldn't let me read it "

oh I see well maybe you didn't need to read it can I speak to grandma again?

"ok! "

(hears rustling )

"hello? "

mother?  what book is Paris talking about?

"a magazine.. they were talking about the leaked photo of Paris "

(sighs ) great I didn't need that

"Michael It was going to happen sooner or later you can't hide them forever "

I know But I don't want them to go through what I did I couldn't even go to school!

"Michael don't beat yourself up look honey I gotta go check on Prince I'll call you later? "

uhh yeah tell Prince and Paris I LOVE them and I LOVE YOU mother

"I will and I LOVE YOU too Michael bye bye "

bye.. *

after I hang up I look at Bill and he gives me a smile, "Michael your mom is right " I know.. I just want to protect them..

....To Be Continued...

Spirit Of The Rhythm♚ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now