Chapter 18♚

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*Chris's  Tucker Point Of View *

I feel for Michael right now there's this vicious rumor going out saying that his kid's aren't his!, I'm mean does it matter Michael was there from the moment they came in till the moment they knew how to walk and there on, so why does it matter?,Michael love's those kid's with everything he has, so I wish they would leave him alone, I want my bestfriend back the one that would call me country all the time, the one that laugh at just about everything I say, the one that always sneaks into the all in a terrible disguise only to be caught by one of his dieheart fans, I want THAT Michael back, the Michael that is the hotel room I don't really see him alot, that Michael or that part of Michael never really shows, Michael never let's himself get too hurt by the paparazi stupid rumors but I guess this one hit home for him, he called me confused and crying a bit about he kinda regets putting out the album because now Sony wants more and he has to do alot of appearences, so I'm on my way to his hotel room now, I'm just about to his level, I walk out of the elevator, and look for his room number 316,I find it and gently knock, no one answers then I see Bill coming around the corner looking like the matrix or some shit like that, I laugh as he approaches the door, "Chris all funny business aside, please fix him he needs support a real friend ok? ",I stop laughing and nodded, I got this Michael just needs a ear and a smile, he nods and puts the card in the door and let me in, I walk in and I don't see Michael,Michael? Michael!, I don't get an answer, I look in the bathroom and see an open pill bottle with a few on the counter, I quickly walk back to the front,Michael!, I don't want to tell Bill too quickly because Michael likes pranks and crap and this one seems like one....

*Michael's Point Of View *

I just need space, so I walked well snook out my hotel room and into another one because I always rent out a floor or two of any hotel I go to so I can have room to roam, I walk out room 300,and head back to my room, I had a major headache so I had to take some migrane medicine, my head feels a little better, I walk to my hotel room door and put in the key and see Chris pacing back and forth and then stop as I walk in he looks at me and I can see he was starting to cry he wipes his face and I guess puts his tough guy mask back on, "gosh Michael I thought something happened to you I was scared to call Bill because I thought it was just one of your little tricks thank God you are ok! ",he looks up and points, "thanks big guy I promise I'll go to church with my grandma this weekend ",I laugh, Chris thank-you for worrying this much and thanks for coming you always make me feel better, he smiles and sits in a chair beside the door as I find one across from the door, I sit, "Michael tell me what's on your mind because to be honest I'm scared for you ",I look at him confused, "Michael those pills in the bathroom I thought the worse ok? I will admit it's hard to say but it's the truth ",I look down, a little hurt that he would assume that, I would never kill myself, dog myself tired yes but never kill myself Chris I'm not mad but it did hurt to hear YOU say it, I said looking up at him, he licks his lips then wipes the corner of his mouth and clasped together his hands silently, "Michael I tell you stuff like this because I'M your FRIEND I don't like sugar coating and you know that, that's how I felt hell I was about to cry I don't fucking cry ",Chris?, "Michael I just worry about you! you are a good person and seeing the crap no the bullshit you.. ",I cut him off, Chris!, he stops, "what? ",I sigh, One STOP cursing two I'm ok I just needed a friend and that's what you have done be hear as my friend thank-you Chris, he nods and smile, we talked for 2hours then he had to leave for a meeting with some agent I think, we said goodbye and he reminded me he was always there, I don't know what I would do without him, my mom, and my kid's it's truly essential that they are in my life they keep me balanced, and plus my fans they keep me motivated, but Im still stuck on him thinking I would take my own life, I would never do that EVER,Bill walks in my room, Bill one knock please and two can we go out I want to go shopping I'm in NewYork please?, he thinks for a minute, But I get up and grab my usual disguise, he laughs and quickly follows me out the room, "can I atleast get through with my thought before YOU choose for yourself? ",he said still laughing, aww just come on you old prun, he laughs louder as we head out...

....To Be Continued...

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