Chaper Three: Meteor shower

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After getting the aprons with Hawks help, I said goodbye to him and gave the aprons to Mr. Rams.

When the first bell rang, I got ready to do the experiment.

The day went by slowly but casually. At lunch, I introduced Hawk to my friends.

"This is Hawk guys. He came here from Crater's Peak."

Elk who was a Nether elk spoke first. "Nice to meet you. I'm Elk. The not crazy one. That's Avatar."

Avatar who was an Ender black tiger rolled his eyes. "Just wow."

I laughed. "We're all crazy Elk. Especially you because you stalk Lavender."

"I so do not!!"

"Oh I've seen it happen! Lavender can back me up in it!"

Lavender nodded.

Elk rolled his eyes.

Hawk laughed. "Well, I'll fit right in!"

After lunch, band came and went and as the last bell rang, I walked over to the runway and took off to go home. Lavender and I live on the border of town not far from the farmer fields and the wildlife preservations. I waved goodbye to Lavender as she took her exit on Large Oak Highway. As I took my exit, I landed on my back porch and put my backpack on my desk.

I flopped on my bed and I felt Asteroid curl up on my side. She twitched her ear and I did the same. It's funny that my pet is the same species as me. I've had full on conversations with her!

The day went on and when 8:00 hit, I crawled in bed. I pulled out my SKYpad.

I went onto Flycraft and went on a Lifewings server.

I felt my eyes get droopy and I turned my SKYpad and fell asleep.

                      *                *                *

I woke up at 12:00 and got out of bed. Tonight's a meteor shower and I wanted to see the show.

I went to my back deck and looked up. But the Sequoia's leaves were in the way of the view.

I looked around and saw the huge Sequoia in on the right side of the house.


I got on my jacket and boots and flew over to the Sequoia and sat down on the top branches.

I watched as one meteor went and then another.


I felt a breeze pick up. It's going to rain tomorrow.

The Sequoia swayed in the wind. I held onto a branch as the wind picked up more.

Ok. This is getting danger-

The branch gave up under me and I grabbed onto a branch that was just above me.

Here I am again. Dangling in mid air.

My hands started slipping in the dry bark.

"No not again!!" I said.

"You never learn do you?"

I saw a hand grab mine and I saw a familiar face.


"Hey. I looked out my window and saw you again, hanging by a thread."

I smiled. "Thanks.... again."

He smiled. "Let me get you up."

He pulled me up and I got safely back on the tree.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked.

I pointed up to the meteor shower.

"Wow." He said.

I sat down. "This happens every 2 years. Mind as well cherish it while you can."

He sat down and took out a chart.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's for math. What course are you in?"


"Same. Wonder why you haven't heard of this yet."

"We're a day behind."


We talked for a little while longer. It was basically about school and what elective you have blah blah blah.

When it reached 2:00 I stood up. "I should get home. And I think I felt a rain drop."

He nodded. "Same. Anyway it was nice flying into you."

"You too. I'll see you tomorrow at school!"

As he took off he turned around in mid flight. "See you tomorrow night?"

I turned back and made a sly face. "Maybe..."

He laughed. "Night Autumn."

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