Chapter Ten: The Visions

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I heard whispers. As if someone was trying to tell me something but I couldn't make it out.

Flashes of images and visions went through my mind. I was standing by a flower that grew like a time lapse in front of my eyes. The flower then flashed a symbol that quickly went away. When the flash evaporated, I was looking down at someone on the ground motionless.

"You did this! This is all your fault!"

I backed up and as my breaths came out shaky.

"You're useless to me. Too bad Earth Nether. If you would've just given it to me in the first place, it wouldn't have gone this way."

The scenery changed and I was starring at Hawk who had black eyes and was hovering over me like a shadow.

"You're times up."

I heard a snap and I saw a flash of a figure in the back ground behind Hawk. He was surrounded by black smoke and had large horns and those evil red eyes. I saw laser sharp wings poking out of the smoke that looked familiar.

I heard the creature laugh as Hawk pinned me against a tree. Blackness blurred my vision and I was again in another vision.

I was falling. Falling through darkness that had no ending. I felt feelings of lost hope and pain that scarred my heart as if I had lost everything.

I saw light as I fell and I saw images of the past racing to the present.

Right before the images made it to the present, I heard a calm voice over me and my eyes flew open.

I gasped for air and I saw a familiar face crouching over me.

"Autumn you ok?"


I reached up and hugged him. "You're ok!"

I felt his arms tighten around me. "I'm so glad you're ok! I don't know what happened. The first thing I knew is that I has being picked up and the second thing I know is that I wake up on the forest floor."

I looked at my wing and saw that it was wrapped in leaves. "Thanks for the bandage."

He smiled. "I tried."

I closed my eyes and as I opened them, I saw a shadow behind us. The creature's red eyes glowed at me and then it vanished.

* * *

Me and Hawk swore not to tell anyone about the incident. We were too afraid if we did, the news will spread to the SPTC and maybe even worse. Me and Hawk went back by the Sequoia and sat by the trunk.

"I think your wing's going to have to heal for a while before you actually start flying again." Said Hawk.

I cringed in pain as he took the bandage off to look at it more closely.

"It's pretty beaten up but it shouldn't stay long." He said and put a new fern leaf on my wing.

I looked at him and noticed that his face was holding back pain.

"You ok?" I asked.

He sighed. "I'm fine."

"No you're not." I said as I looked at his wings to see if they were bruised as well.

While I looked, I bumped his left arm a touch and he flinched.

I looked at him. "Why didn't you tell me you were hurt..."

He smiled. "I didn't want you to worry."

"Well, I worry for a reason Hawk."

I rolled up his shirt and saw a huge cut on the side of his arm.

I gasped. "Oh Hawk... You should've told me! We need to get it cleaned."

He nodded and we went down the hill a bit to the frozen stream. I found a hole in the ice and took my glove off. I put it in the icy cold water and squeezed the access water out.

We swiped off some snow that was on a log and we sat down.

"Now this might sting, but it's just cleaning the wound out."

He nodded and I put the glove on his arm.

He gasped as the cold water went on the cut.

I kept it on his arm as he flinched.

"Ah! It stings!"

"Yeah it will. But at least it's cleaning it."

I tied the glove onto his arm and I looked up at his face to make sure he wasn't complaining.

He smiled.


He shrugged. "I don't know. You're kinda cute when you worry."

I rolled my eyes. "You always say that."

"Ya. Because you're cute when you care for others or when you need caring."

"Still. It's just weird."

"I'll stop saying that if you kiss my cheek."

I looked at him like he was joking.

Then I got confused... Again.

"Wait you're serious?"

He nodded.


Then I got an idea. "Ok... Under an agreement..."



He sighed. "Fine. What is it?"

"That you never scare me like that again."

He looked at me. "Oh trust me. I won't get hurt like this ever again... Hopefully."

"Hopefully not."

"Now for my end of the deal?" He said.

"Fine." I said as I scooted closer to him.

But just when I was about to kiss his cheek, he moved his head and he kissed me.

I wasn't surprised. Weirdo.

As he let go, I shook my head. "Why are you like this?"

"I don't know. I just am."

"Yeah. I've known that."

"You still need to kiss my cheek."

I laughed. "Like I'm falling for that again!"

He laughed. "Shut up..."

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