Chapter Thirteen: The letter and the old leather pouch.

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My mind seemed to spin with anxiety. It was almost 10:00 at night and I would be visiting Hawk in 2 hours. What would I tell him? That I can talk to plants?

I shook my head and looked at my hands that were still covered with gloves.

Even with them on, vines had started to grow up the side of the tree trunk that went through the top right of my room.

I looked at the Morning Glory that sat on my windowsill. Now petals a vibrant shade of
purple instead of faded as it once was.

I sighed. It'll probably be best if I keep this a secret.

I looked at the letter that was given to me by the raven.

I shook my head. "I'll read it later."

The pouch, still unopened, sat on my desk. I then made a decision.

I got up and grabbed the pouch. Whatever is inside is pretty odd feeling.

I took the letter and sat on my desk.

I looked at the address.


All that was on the front was a little 2-line sentence.

Do not share any of this
Information with anyone.

I carefully undid the back of the envelope to reveal a folded up piece of parchment paper.

I unfolded it and read the letter with curious thoughts.

Dear Ananimus Creature,
You have been prophesied to be the next generation of Ananimus. Now, before I begin, I must worn you that what you're about to read, is extremely dangerous news and shall be never shared by another Creature. Unless it's another fellow trainer but more about that for later. First, let me begin by introducing myself. Now I hope my bird was kind enough to come to you at a time when you're alone. Otherwise I apologize if your parents have read this. The letter will recognize it was a different Creature and erase their mind from ever reading this. No trouble! Anyway, my name is The Enchanter. Never ask me who and where I came from because I'll give you a terrible consequence. Now, let me get into specifics. You are only one of the twelve young creatures that will receive a letter like this tonight.

Wait, there's more of me?!

I sighed. I'm not alone on this. Thank god.

There are only three types of Earth Creatures like yourself. One Ender and one Spirit. This goes the same for all of the other benders of magic. You are categorized in Earth. There is also Water, Ice, and Fire. You will meet these other Creatures as soon as possible and will fight, train, and protect together to keep each other alive. Now. What you will be learning is how to control your powers and how to use them properly. You may now open the pouch. What's inside will be your only gift from me.

I looked at the pouch with a sudden interest.

I untied the bounding and out came a watch!

It looked normal. But I knew this wasn't by far normal.

I took the odd-normal watch and examined it. As I looked more closely at it, I noticed it had a tiny speaker.


I looked on the side and saw a button.

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