Chapter Nineteen: Back on the hill

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I dived down the Earth Tunnel and landed on the cool stone floor to hear voices coming from the Testing Chamber.

I pressed my armor insert and my clothes were replaced by my armor and a headset.

I ran full speed towards the chamber and slowed to a run at the opening.

I smiled as I saw everyone in their armor as though ready for a demonstration.

"Why there you are Autumn! I was wondering when you would get here!" Said The Enchanter in a welcoming voice.

"Sorry. My cat apparently unplugged my alarm clock." I lied. It actually surprises me sometimes of how good I can lie about things.

The Enchanter just smiled. "Curious feline I'm guessing. It's fine now; we're about to do some warm-ups to keep your powers in. You can just come mingle with the others."

I walked over to Poppy and Sky who smiled at me.

"Now. The way to make sure your powers are in is to shut out your mind; to block out any feelings that your powers may bring to you. Now, I need you to think of one feeling you get when your powers are acting up."

I thought of the way my hands shook when I touched the Morning Glory in my room and how I feel a climbing sensation.

"Now, I see some are making it snow. It's fine Lavender. It just proves that you're going to be a great bender. Now I want you to all block those feelings away; to feel regular emotions."

I thought of the summer and how I dived into the cool lake behind Lavender's house.

"Very nice. Lavender I see that you made the snow go away. Very good. Now, with that completed, let's move along then. I want everybody to line up in a line."

I fell in line next to Savannah and Raven.

"Now, one by one I'll ask you to do a hand gesture for me. Now, let's get started. Riptide, your first in line so come up here."

Riptide stepped forward looking confident.

The Enchanter snapped his finger and a ball of fire the size of a beach ball appeared about 10 feet away.

"I want you to copy my motion exactly. Understood?"

He nodded and we all looked at them curiously.

The Enchanter smiled and went next to him. I watched as The Enchanter made a swirling motion with his hands and I watched in awe as Water formed around his hands. He made a small flick towards the ball of fire and the water zoomed towards it! With a sizzle, the ball of fire went out.

"Neat!!" Said Riptide and got ready for his turn.

The Enchanter snapped his fingers and another ball of fire appeared 10 feet away.

Riptide put his hands in the same position as The Enchanter and circled his hands in the same swirling motion.

"Here goes nothing." He said and we watched as he flicked his hand.

It took everyone a few tries to get their powers out then back under control. Poor Lavender had to restart hers 4 times but was actually the most successful getting hers to do what she wanted. Soul, on the other hand, had been flung across the chamber by a blast that he had accidentally done to himself instead of the ball of fire he was aiming at.

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