Chapter 1: Hello Again

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First a little description of you:

(You can change anything you'd like)

Your name is Alex, you have a YouTube channel it's called yc/n (YouTube channel name). You have around 500,000 subscribers and you do a lot of videos with Jordan, your best friend. She has around the same amount subscribers as you on her channel. You're pretty short and you have curly hair. Enjoy reading! You also live alone, but visit Jordan a lot.

Alex's POV:

I'm just here on my couch on my phone scrolling through Instagram and I get a text from Jordan...

J- Hey, we need to go to the store to get some supplies for our next video together!

A- Sure, what video are we doing?

J- Just a challenge video, smoothie challenge actually.

A- Oh great, why are we doing that again?

J- Your friend Adam did it and I really enjoyed it! It was really funny and I wanna try it out.

A- Okay fineeeee, when are we filming it?

J- How about tomorrow at my place? I have a good setup and everything.

A- Well okay, are you picking me up to go to the store or am I driving?

J- I can pick you up, can you be ready in ten?

A- Yep, see you then!

*Time skip until Jordan arrives*

I'm just finishing up my makeup and I hear a honk coming from outside. Must be Jordan, so I grab my bag and my phone and I head outside.

I see Jordan in her car waving at me as I walk over. I wave back. I hop in and we start driving...

*Another time skip because car rides are impossible to write without being hella awkward*

We pull up to the parking lot and well... park and then head into the store. "So, I'm going to give you half of the list of things we need to get and I'll take the other. Meet back at the entrance in 15?" Jordan says handing me my half "Sure, can I also grab some other things too?" I ask "Sure, see you in a bit!"

As Jordan walks away I look at the list...  first thing there is milk. So I head over to the dairy section.

Once I get over there I see the huge selection of milk products. I go to grab the one I usually buy but I bump into some one and they drop all of their groceries, "Oh my god I'm so so so sorry..." I say and help pick up some things "Oh it's fine don't worry, didn't have anything that fragile." I hear a familiar voice say "Wait wait, Adam?"
"Oh my god Alex, hi! I didn't even realize it was you! How are you?" He says as he finishes picking up the rest of his things and he gives you a hug "I'm pretty good, wow I haven't seen you in months. What are you doing here?" "Oh just hunting some alpacas..." I look at him with a confused   and concerned look on my face "What the hell do you think I'm doing here? I'm getting food, because you know... I'm fat and I eat food." He says, we both laugh "Well me too don't worry haha. How's Alesa?" I ask, tapping my feet awkwardly "She's doing great, right now she's home probably just taking care of Mason." "Oh that's nice! I haven't seen Mason in a while either. It's funny seeing you here because I came here to get some stuff for a smoothie challenge you did." I say laughing "Oh god you saw that? Hope you enjoyed watching me vomit. That challenge was fun though, because I wasn't the only one throwing up!" he says laughing again "You should come over sometime! Catch up a little... I'm having a party with some friends tonight. You can come if you want." "Sure sounds fun, is it okay if Jordan comes too?" I ask "Oh of course, Jordan's pretty cool. I have to go now, I'll see you tonight!" he says as he walks away. I wave goodbye and I get the rest of my things.

Once I get everything I check the time, I was supposed to meet back up with Jordan twenty minutes ago! So I run over as fast as I can to see a impatient Jordan waiting at the entrance. "Hey where the hell were you?" she says "I bumped into Adam and lost track of time, but I got everything! And we're invited to Adam's party tonight!" I say smiling awkwardly hoping she won't be too mad "Oh okay, nice. I can drive you there too, you just have to tell me where his house is. But for now, let's leave. I'm bored out of my mind!" We both laugh as we walk up to the cashier to pay for our things.

I can't wait for Adams party tonight!

Well that was a fun first chapter to write. Sorry if there's anything grammatically incorrect or anything. Also this is my first sorry so sorry if it's a little bit cringy... until next time!

Word count- 835


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