Chapter 4: Hanging Out

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Alex's POV:

(In the car) Huh... this is kind of awkward. Maybe I should say something... "What do you want to do at your house?" I say awkwardly, also breaking the silence "Maybe watch a movie? If you want we can play games too... anything you'd like. I'm good with basically anything." Red says, Jesus he's adorable "Well how about we watch a movie first?" I say, blushing a little because the way he looks at me is just... ah okay stop. Then I realized I zoned out... again. I see Red giving me a weird look, ah shit I must've been staring at him the whole time. "Uh Alex? You okay?" Red says with a sense of concern in his voice "Oh yeah yeah... I zone out wayyyyyy to often. How long was I out for?" "Haha yeah you do do that a lot and just a couple seconds, don't worry. We're also here so let's go inside!" Red says as he opens the car door to get out. I do the same. I'm a little nervous... I don't want things to be awkward...

Red's POV:

I entered the house with Alex and I see Barney on the couch watching tv. Once he notices me I wave and he winks at me... ugh he's just like Adam. I check to see if Alex noticed... she doesn't look weirded out or anything so I guess that's good? I swear I say one thing and now Barney thinks I like her... I don't know... my feelings for her confuse me.


Barney- Hey, what are your thoughts on the girl Alex we met at the party last night?

Red- She's cool and absolutely gorg- NICE. SHES REALLY NICE.

Barney- Um what did you just say? You totally have a thing for her don't you?!!

Red- Ugh whatever... bye.

*flashback over*

We head to my room and we lay my bed and I turn the TV on, we decide to watch *insert romantic movie here*. The movie seemed okay I guess... Alex picked it out and it was a romance so I don't know.

During the movie Alex cuddles up to me... I don't really know what to do. I'm not sure if I like her. I don't want to lead her on in any sort of way if I decide I don't like her and she thinks I'm into her. I just want to get to know her... shit. I'll just put my arm around her maybe? Not too flirty. I mean I don't even know if she likes me in the first place but just in case...

The movie finishes and I see that Alex is bored out of her mind... "Uh did you like the movie?" I ask, she looks at me straight in the eyes and she says "Actually no. Sorry, I'm shit at choosing movies. I mean like why the hell did I think that was going to be good? It was a romance! I'm so sorry you probably didn't like it too... but seriously fantasies, comedies, and actions are so much better!" I look over at Red and he looks a little... scared and surprised... "Oh sorry. I should've probably stopped at "Actually no." I can leav-" "No no no, I'm actually just surprised because I was thinking the same thing... other than the fact you suck at choosing movies. You said that fantasy, comedy, and actions are better so you do have a good taste in movies! I didn't really like it but I'm stilling having fun!I just want to know more about you!" (I'm not throwing shade at romance movies) Red says a little eager to hear what I say next... "Well what do you want to know?" I say, I'm really excited to keep talking to him... "Well..."

Alex's POV:

Red rambles on about how he wants to know more about me so we can be closer... ah I love being around him.

Red's POV:

Me and Alex have been talking for hours and hours... God... I love hearing her talk. Oh it's... 1:47? Oh shit I have work tomorrow I better say something... "It's 1:47am... shit um do you want to stay over here? You can sleep on the couch..." I say a little scared if she'll be weirded out "Eh... why not? If Barney is okay with it..." She says and I feel relieved "Don't worry... Barney will be okay with it." I say, I'm so happy. I get to keep talking to her. She's so interesting and just beautiful... maybe I do like her a little bit...

We keep talking and then Alex yawns... "Hey you can go to sleep if you want." I say awkwardly and a little sad. I don't want this night to end. "Yeah I'm going to go to sleep... I'll see you tomorrow." then she leaves the room and I sign. God tonight was fun... I need to sleep too. it's 3:00! Shit I'm going to be tired as fuck tomorrow. Whatever. It was worth it, I start to get ready for bed. I really got to know more about Alex tonight. She's so amazing and interesting.

I finish getting ready to go to bed but I'm kind of thirsty. So I head into the kitchen and get a glass of water. On my way there I see Alex laying on the couch sleeping. Barney must've given her a blanket. I go over to kiss her on the forehead. As I do so she turns her head and stops me. "Oh I'm sorry, I was just going to give you a quick kiss goodnight..." Ah this is so embarrassing. I can feel my cheeks burning up. Shit I'm blushing. Then I realize she's still holding my face above her. She's just staring at me. What does she want me to do? "You know..." she says as she looks at my face in different places, then pauses and stares at me straight in the eyes again. "'re so fucking attractive..." and then she kisses me... I kiss back and it just... it feels great. Does this mean she likes me? Probably does. Stop it Red don't be dumb. I guess it's good that I know I like her back. We break from the kiss and I smile at her and she smiles back. Then we both say goodnight and I get my glass of water and go to sleep.

Tonight was... fantastic...

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter... finally a kiss am I right? Uanfortunately I didn't update yesterday and I'm sorry! I'll update tomorrow... I'm just at a cottage for a couple days and I'm a little busy. Until next time!

Word count: 1127


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