Chapter 13: Celebrating 1 Month

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Alex's POV:

I was just editing when Jordan barged in. "Well sure come on in I guess." I say and she starts dancing and fan girling. "What the hell happened to you?" I say and she just stops and puts on the most serious face. "Max just asked me out!!!!" She almost screamed. "Well shit really? Thank God. I was starting to think he wasn't going to do it!" I say relieved. "Oh yeah me too! We're going on a date soon! He said he tell me the details later! But AHHHHHHH IM GOING ON A DATE WITH MAX!!" She screams again. "God do you want me to loose my hearing? Also Max might hear you screaming from the other end of the offices so shut ya mouth girl!" She then stops and says "Shit shit sorry. Got carried away! Anyways have anything planned for your one month with Red?" She then pulls up a chair and sits down. "Well he's going to cook and we're going to have a nice dinner. Nothing too crazy. We both agreed no presents too. Which is less stressful for the both of us. He's picking me up sometime after work today too. I'm a little nervous to be honest..." I say and look down a little and avoid eye contact. "Hey hey! Don't be nervous! I love you Alex and you're a powerful, interesting, beautiful woman! It's nothing grand. Just a cute little date! You'll be fine okay?" She says and puts her finger under my chin and pushes my face up to make me make eye contact with her. "Okay Alex?" She says and removes her finger from under my chin then sits back up. "Okay Jordan... I love you too. I have to get back to editing but I'll talk to you later okay?" I say and then start getting back into my work. "Okay! Have fun on your date with Red!" I wave goodbye and then continue working.

*Time skip to after work*

Well... I think I'm going to wear something simple and cute sooo... how about this? No no. I think to myself contemplating on what I should wear. I continue to adventure through my closet and find a cute short white dress. It's loose at my hips down and then tighter on just about everything else. It has a nice fit to my curves and is comfy as well. I put on some white heels and do my make up.

I'm all dressed and I text Red.

Alex- All ready. When are you going to come and pick me up?

Red- I'll come now... can't wait to see your stunning face. Love you, bye!

Alex- Cant wait to see my handsome red head! Love you too, see you soon!

I turn off my phone and walk to my charger and plug in my phone. Then wait till Red arrives.

Red's POV:

I look at my opened closet and I then choose my nice red button up shirt and khakis like I said to Alex earlier. God I love her so much... I plan to make some nice chicken with some Caesar salad... should be good. I know Alex isn't picky.  I also plan to play some of her favourite calmer songs which'll put her in a really good mood... I just want tonight to be a night she'll remember. I get a text from her... she's wondering when I'm picking her up... eh I'll just head over now. So I grab my keys and head out.

Alex's POV:

I hear my phone go off in the other room and I assume it's Red. I go and grab my phone and turn it on just to be sure and it is Red. He's here. I grab my house keys and all and head out. I see Red in his car and as I open the door. He's looking as adorable as ever. I hop in and Red says "You look crazy beautiful right now." I blush a little and give him a quick kiss and say "You look very nice too. Maybe a little to cute!" He smiles and he starts to drive.

*Time skip to when you arrive at Red's*

We walk in and everything is decorated so cute. The kitchen table has a nice white cover on it, red place mats, a small vase with a cute red rose in it, and candles. It's all lit up very nicely with big and small candles. "Wow Red, this is... amazing." I say and he starts to walk over to the table and then stops walking. He turns around and reaches his hand over and grabs mine. "Shall we head to our table?" He says and I gladly let him guide me over. He pulls out my chair for me and I sit down. "Why thank you." I say and giggle a little. I didn't really expect him to go all out with this. "You're welcome! Dinner will be ready in a bit. Can't believe you've stuck around for a month to be honest. I'm still a little in shock that I got the chance to be with you. You really make me happy Alex." I blush again. "Aw Red... I love you so much. I can't explain how much you've changed me and have made me happy in the one month we've been dating." He starts to mumble and stutter a little and then finally says "Well I'm lost for words. Really. I love you too Alex." He says and we both talk the night away.

Red finishes cooking the food and we both eat up. Once we finish we continue to talk and we move to the couch so it's comfier. We lay there holding hands. Both of us with our feet up on the foot rester and I lean my head on his shoulder, he leans his head on mine. We just keep talking. We've always known how to keep conversation and it's just great. I've never been happier. He's been playing cute music I love in my background too. Some nice songs by The 1975 too. He really knows how to make a night memorable.

"If I Believe You" is playing and we've been sitting here and talking for a while. Red then gets up and puts his hand out for me to grab. "Would you care to dance?" He says in the cutest way possible. "Well of course I would." I say as I take his hand and he pulls me in. Then starts slow dancing with me. I lean my head into his chest and he rests his head on mine once again.

We continue to dance and then we hear camera clicks in the background. We look around and see that Barney and Adam were taking pictures. We must've both gotten lost in the moment. "Well you guys are the most adorable couple together, you know that right?" Adam says and they both put their phones away. "Haha well I guess so. I'm just really lucky to have Alex... could you send me those?" Red asks Adam and Barney and I quickly add in "Yeah me too!" "Oh yeah course! You two kids have fun!" Barney says, then him and Adam both leave. We continue to dance again.

Once we finish dancing we both land back on the couch again, I get texts from Barney and Adam. They're both the pictures that they took earlier and they're so cute! I look through then and try to choose which one I should choose. I then get a notification and it says I've been tagged by Red in something. I click on it and it's one of the pictures of us. The caption reads "Happy one month to my favourite person ever! I would give you a whole paragraph on what I love about you... but I'd be going on for forever! I love you so much Alex❤️❤️" I like the post then comment "I love you too, I enjoyed tonight💗" Knowing he probably wasn't going to see it I continued to choose one of the pictures to choose for my account. I can't really find anything that really fits what I want. So I just pull out my camera on my phone and say "Hey we need to take a bunch of cute selfies together for
memories and so I can post one!" I say as shuffle closer to him and sit up more and fix my hair a little. "Okay sure." Red says and does the same as me... except for the hair part. We do cute poses, silly faces, kissing pictures, and a professional smiley one. I choose the one where I'm laughing and he's kissing me on the cheek with his arm around me.

I post it with the caption "I love you so much Michael! You made tonight unforgettable and I can't believe I have such a YOUTUBE SENSATION as yourself, you'll always be my red head💖" We then continue to talk, make out, and laugh.

Once our whole date finishes I stay over at his place and I sleep in his bed. He lets me borrow his boxers and a nice sweater for pyjamas. We kiss, say our I love you's, then both fall asleep in each other's arms.

Word Count: 1577


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