Chapter 5: What Now?

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Alex's POV:

I wake up and it's 7:00, I check my phone and I see I have a text from Jordan.

Jordan- Hey, we still up for the smoothie challenge today?

Alex- Yeah. Do you think you could pick me up from Red's place?

Jordan- Yeah


Jordan- ...Wait


Jordan- WAIT


Jordan- Did you sleep over at Red's?

Alex- Uh yeah?

Jordan- Anything funny go down?

Alex- No no noooooo. We just watched a movie and we talked for a couple hours as well. Then we realized that it was like 3:00am and I didn't want to bother you or him with a drive back to my place. He also offered me to stay over on the couch anyways.

Jordan- Oh okayyyy. Good.

Alex- We also kind of kissed.

Jordan- Wait what? What happened?

Alex- It all happened so fast oh my fuck. I just got cozy on the couch after Barney gave me a blanket and such. Then Red comes over and I feel the couch move a little and I open my eyes and Red's leaning over to kiss me. I stopped him and grabbed a hold of his face/cheek and then I just kind of stared at him. I was just thinking... "Is this real life right now? Am I actually about to kiss Red? Was he about to just kiss me?" and then I just kissed him I guess? It's was a long and passionate kiss but afterwards we both just said goodnight and went to sleep. I haven't talked to him since. I just got up too so I haven't said hi yet.

Jordan- Holy shit a lot happened. Well do you really like him then?

Alex- Well yeah of course I like him a lot. I don't know if it was just a one time thing you know? It's happened to me before. I mean I did enjoy the kiss but I want an actual relationship with Red. I don't know what happens next.

Jordan- Well ask him then! I'm on my way right now, can't text and drive. I'll be around 20 minutes. Get something to eat too. Nothing too heavy though because you know... you might vomit.

Alex- It's not that easy Jordan... and got it. I'll see you soon.

I turn my phone off and plug it into an outlet near the couch and I can hear moving around in the kitchen. I walk in and I see Barney making some toast. "Hi Barney." I say as I wave and smile "Hi Alex, want some toast?" He says and smiles back "Sure, thanks for letting me stay the night too." I say and start to put my hair into a ponytail "Ah no problem. Red seemed like he really wanted you to stay and you're no trouble at all. What did you guys even do last night?" Barney asked with a grin on his face "God why does everyone just assume we had sex?! We just talked and watched a movie. Nothing drastic okay?" Why would Barney be all weird about this. Did Red say anything to him about being interested in me? "Okay okay. Sorry, it's just Red seems to like you. He never confirmed anything though. If you're interested in him it might actually go somewheres. It's just surprising because you've been here for what... a week and a couple days maybe? And he is already showing signals that he likes you. He never falls for people that fast. It's usually just close friends he's known for a long time." Barney says as he passes me a plate with some toast on it and a peanut butter jar with some butter. But you said he didn't even confirm if he had feelings for me. Maybe you're just seeing things too." I say whilst putting some peanut butter on my toast. "Well I don't know Alex... you seem special to him. Speaking of Red... I'm going to go wake him up." Barney leaves the kitchen and I proceed to put peanut butter on my toast. Ugh, should I get my hopes up? Maybe Barney was right? He may have actual feelings for me. I just want to avoid getting hurt. As I contemplate what to do and what's going to happen next. I see that Red enters the kitchen and wow he looks tired. Shit that's my fault. Ugh.

He waves at me and I wave back and smile. He just yawns, he's just tired. "How was your sleep?" Red says as he opens the fridge and looks around "Pretty good, what about you?" I say and take a bite out of my toast "Good, I'm tired as hell though. We talked a lot last night. Pretty sure we went to sleep at like 3:00am, hah." Red says and smiles at me. God he's just, amazing. "Yeah, sorry I should've left at like 9:00 haha. I just lost track of time to be honest." I say and laugh a little. I get a text from Jordan saying she's here and I tell her I have to pack up my stuff. I finish up my toast really quick and then head for the living room to pack up my stuff. I grab my phone charger and put it in my bag and zip it up. I put my phone in my pocket (still wearing the same thing I was wearing yesterday because I didn't have any extra clothes). I go to the front door and start to put on my shoes. "You heading out?" Red says and I look up from my shoes to see him standing in front of me "Yeah, I have to go record a video with Jordan. Sorry to just run out like this, text or call me later?" I say as I finish putting on my shoes and stand up to face him "Definitely." He says and just looks at me, why is he just looking at me? "Why are you looking at me?" I say as I blush and avoid eye contact with him... this is a little awkward but Jesus Christ Red is just so attractive and ah. I could just stay here all day. But then again I need to go record with Jordan. I realize he never answered me, he's just been staring at me. "I'm looking at you because you're just fucking gorgeous." He then cups my face, leans in, and kisses me. Ah, the sensation and feeling when I kiss him is just indescribable (no this isn't a pun shush). I pull away and say goodbye and smile. Then I head out to see Jordan in her car waving at me to hurry up and I run to her car and hop in with a grin on my face. "What's all that about?" and she gestures to me face and how I'm all happy "Oh nothing. I just kissed Red. Again." I say and smile even more "Oh course you did oh my god are you guys even dating yet?" I just realized, he hasn't even actually clarified if he has true feelings for me. Shit. I'll have to call him later.

Honestly, all I want is a real relationship with him.

This was fun, I'm planning to update tomorrow. Until next time!

Word count- 1221


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