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The little watch on my arm beeped. I shut it off before it woke anyone else up then, excitedly, I got up and opened my window. The air was warm and salty as it blew my curtains back. The waves crashed along the shore.

I snuck out, thankful that the sand made my landing silent. I ran to the dock but stopped before I was on it. A million questions ran through my mind.

What if he wasn't there? What if he was? Could he speak to me? Could I understand?

The wooden dock felt nice under my feet as I walked slowly to the edge. I checked the watch on my wrist again. It was midnight. As if on cue I heard a little splash of water to my right. Slowly his eyes appeared above the surface.

Sea green eyes. Black hair. His features we boyish but still attractive.

"Hello," I called out quietly to him. His eyes widened at my voice but he didn't respond. I tried to remember everything about him. My heart jumped as he looked like he was about to swim away. "Wait!"

I practically screamed at him. I was desperate. Shocked, he turned to look at me.

"Please, wait," I called, quietly that time. Still he did not respond. Could he understand what I was saying? "You're real. You're really real." He shook his head no. "Yes you are. I see you!"

I wanted to look back at my house to see if any lights had turned on after I yelled but I wasn't willing to take my eyes off him.

"Come back tomorrow. Sometime in the afternoon. Please." I stepped back from the docks edge, still watching him. I swore I saw him nod before he disappeared. Shaking, I made my way back to my little blue house, climbed back through my window not even bothering to shut it, and fell asleep.



"Audrey!" Connor yelled from the seat next to me. I swerved back into my lane on the highway.

"Sorry!" I shouted to him and to the people I nearly hit. A horn honked at me. I looked over to see my brother gripping the car with all his strength.

"Dang, watch the road," Connor said. He was breathing heavy. "I can't even take a decent nap on the way to school with the way you drive."

"I don't drive that bad!" I said defensively. It was true. Normally I was a really good drive; but, lately I had been a little distracted by my own thoughts. "I'm just tired."

"Well, when you're tired just let me know and I'll take the bus."

Rolling my eyes I let the conversation drop and continued to drive. My parents red Jeep was officially my Jeep. My mom decided the Jeep wasn't her style anymore. As much as she loved it she loved the red 2012 Hyundai Accent she had seen at the car dealer's parking lot more. I was just happy to have a car.

I tried not to let my mind drift to what had happened the night before. I couldn't help it though. I asked him to show up today and I really hoped he would. I swore I had seen him nod in agreement.

Once at school I sent my brother in to by a thirty dollar parking slip so my car wouldn't be towed out of the student parking lot. I made sure my purse and binder were in the car, it would have been my luck to forget them, and then readjusted my shirt. The off the shoulder, coral pink and blue flower print was one of my favorites. I paired it with my white skinnies and white sandals. I fixed my hair in the car mirror but it still looked a mess. I had thought that no one had noticed me in the crowd, but now I knew differently and I felt self-conscious of the way I looked. I wasn't sure if I actually liked being noticed or not; but, I was going to find out.

Under the Sea *Book One* Water TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now