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"Audrey?" Finn started for the tenth time since we had left the boating docks and headed to my house. "I don't think this is the best idea you've ever had."

"Oh, shush." To be honest, I knew it wasn't the best idea. In fact, it was a really bad idea. Sneaking Finn into my house was going to be one hell of a chore. I hardly lied to my parents; in the place of lying, I avoided them, making it so I wouldn't have to.

Now I was going to have to avoid my nosy parents and my ass of an older brother.

"Stay here and don't move," I told him for the third time in a row before I climbed out of the car. "If I come back out here to see Ty's clothes in the front seat and you in the ocean I'm going to be really mad."

"And you also won't be in really big trouble where your parents won't be really mad."

"Shut up and stay put." I kissed him quickly, before he could argue, and jumped out of the Jeep and ran to my house. I opened the door slowly. It was a little after ten. I looked over to see my mom sitting on the sofa, wrapped in a red throw blanket, and a cup of tea in her hands. Her dark curls were pulled up in a bun and I watched as a little ringlet fell onto her neck as she turned to fix her mossy green eyes on me. She smiled but I could tell she was tired. Taking care of Tyler's wants was a full time job after all.

"How was your day?" she asked as I closed the door behind me.

"It was good," I answered honestly. "The burgers were good. Where's everyone else?"

"Ty's gone to bed I believe," relief filled me even though I didn't show it. "Your father is asleep for sure and Connor just finished showering a few minutes ago."

"Oh, okay." I started heading towards the front door again. "I'll be back in a few minutes; I forgot my purse in the car."

I headed back out.

"Audrey?" I heard her call again so I stuck my head back in.


"I'm going to bed, make sure you lock the door and turn off the lights before you shower, okay?"

"Alright, night mom. Love you."

"Night. Love you too. Don't forget to set your alarm. Wouldn't want to be late for your first day of the last week of school," and with that she walked off, the little red blanket wrapped around her shoulders and a mug of tea in her hands.

"School is the least of my problems." I mumbled as I made my way back to Finn.

"I'm still here," he said as I opened the door.

"Good. I don't have to kill you." I thought I saw him roll his eyes. "The coast is clear but just in case I want you to come around back and come in through my window that way no one sees you."

Finn sighed. I couldn't imagine what he had been thinking when I offered to let him stay in my house, in my room, when he had mentioned he was going to have to go back into the ocean. I wasn't sure what inside of me broke at the thought of him disappearing back into the sea, but whatever it was couldn't take it. I offered to let him stay, even if it was just for a night, so that I didn't have to see him leave. He was human tonight and I didn't want that to change.

"I'll help you back there," I continued as I glanced back to make sure no one was looking out any windows.

"The window." He sounded like he was dreading trying to sneak into my house that way. He rubbed his face with his hand.

I helped him to the back of our blue bungalow. He was starting to get better on his newly found legs but he still needed support. I left him there and ran around to the front. Once inside I locked the doors and turned out all the lights, just like I promised. I then found Connor in his room and brought him to mine.

Under the Sea *Book One* Water TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now