~Twenty Five~

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Finn's P.O.V

I swam back and forth in the hall. Meri floated calmly, or so I thought she was clam until I saw she was in more of a daze. She told me everything. I knew my father was a strong merman, he was, after all, the king. But I was in a rage when Meri told me her point of view on the subject of his death. My hands gripped my black hair and I let out a sigh large enough to echo off the walls.

"I should have told you sooner-"

"It's fine Meri, you didn't know how I would've reacted had you told me at the ceremony. It was best that you waited." Even though I meant everything I had said I could still see Meri struggling.

"I can't believe Nahla would do something that horrible."

'"If she did it," I reminded her softly. "But I think she did. We just don't have proof and we're already about to throw something huge on the council. I can overrule them or persuade them if they try to not pass the law but I can't put all of this in front of them."

"I understand. I just don't want one of us to be next."

It hadn't occurred to me that if Nahla had been willing to kill her own father then she wouldn't mind killing anyone else. I was in danger and Meri was even more. How would Nahla react to me giving Meri all the power? I knew it wouldn't be good. How could it be?

"Just remember, no matter what, I love you and I am here for you," I pulled my little sister in for a hug. "Nahla will not dare try any games while I am around and I will see to it that she doesn't when I'm gone."


"I promise. Now let's go show these council men whose boss." Meri let out a shallow laugh. "Nervous?"

"A little."

"Then we better get to it before we change our minds," I busted into the room without a second thought. Mermen were chatting to each other and then silence over took as each noticed I was there. They all put their fists to their hearts in a salute.

"I have come to change a law," my voice echoed.

"Already sire?" an older merman asked.

"Yes, and I want it put into effect immediately. I will not take no for an answer."

"Anything you wish sire."

"The law that states a mermaid cannot rule. I think that it is wrong."

"Sire, that rule has always been. Why would you have the need to change that?"

"I don't like to be questioned," my voice dropped low and threatening. I didn't have an idea where the bravery and the demanding attitude came from but it was there and it was making itself known.

"You see, that law-"

"It will not be changed without reason," a younger, stronger merman stepped in.

"My reason is that if I don't have a male heir my daughter will still have the right to rule," I lied. But if I did have a daughter who wanted to rule, considering she even would be able to change into a mermaid depending on how the genetics worked out and she wanted to become queen, I really did want her to be able to.

"Sire, are you thinking about marriage and children?" the older one chimed in again. "Why would you think you wouldn't have a male heir?"

"If you look at the records, the number of sons in my line of genetics is dwindling. My father only had two-"

"May he rest in peace," all the mermen chimed in at the mention of their dead king.

"Like I said, you will change the rule and I will not take no for an answer."

Meri's P.O.V

I didn't know what to do as I watched Finn argue with council members about the law. Things were heated and that was saying a lot given how we were submerged to the bottom of ice cold water. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and I swam away. I wanted to run back to Audrey's again to confide in her. In all honesty I almost didn't want to be queen but I would take the burden if the law was passed. But I had a plan forming in my head.

"No one will find out about this," Nahla whispered harshly. I hid behind a pole and listened.

"Yes my lady," a guard's voice answered back.

"Correction," her voice caught a flirty tone. "You meant to say 'Yes, my Queen."

Their laughter sounded malicious to my ears. Queen? Rage bubbled in my veins but I stayed hidden behind the pole. Nahla would kill me if she found out I was spying.

"I can't wait to rule," she sighed. "And I'll have everything I have ever wanted. Including you."

I risked a peak around the pillar to see a blonde headed guard about to lock lips with Nahla and then I recognized him. He was Finn's friend. His name was Alamar. I couldn't forget him if I had tried. He was involved with Nahla and they were plotting to take control. I had already told Finn that his eldest sister murdered his father how could I tell him that she was planning on doing the same to him and his best friend was in on it too?

I stayed behind the pole long after the two were gone. I just couldn't get myself to move. I could hardly breathe. I could hardly think. Adrenalin was kicking in right along with panic. I had to tell Finn. I had no choice.

Finn's P.O.V

The law was being changed. It would take a while but it was being changed. Meri would become the rightful Queen of Atlantica and I would become a human. The thought of walking around with Audrey, driving in her car, and living on land made me smile. I had big plans and nothing was going to change that.

"Finn," a small voice whispered behind me, sounding distressed.

"Who's there?" I called across my chambers. Behind a column came Meri, looking as small and terrified as ever. "Meri? What are you doing? What's wrong?"

"Nahla, she plans to kill you," her voice grew smaller with every word. I had never seen her so shook up.

"I'll put protection at every door, including yours. No one will go about this castle walking on the wrong side of the hall without me knowing it."

"You can't trust the guards."

"What? Why do you say that? Alamar keeps them well in line-"

"No he isn't," my little sister took in a shaky breathe. "Alamar is with Nahla. I heard them both talking about it. She said that when she becomes queen she will have everything she ever wanted including him. And he called her queen."

"Alamar is very high in power. With him being an influence, I don't know how many corrupt guards we may have on our hands." I felt sick with betrayal.

"What are we going to do?"

"The only thing we can do: tell the council, have a trial, and banish them from our city."

I knew it wouldn't be that easy but it was the only option.

Under the Sea *Book One* Water TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now