~Twenty Seven~

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"Jim?" my voice full of concern. "Jim? Wake up."

"W-what?" Jim asked in his gruff voice before putting his hand to his head. "Why does my head hurt?"

"I'm not sure but I found you back here past out on the floor," I lied, getting down on the floor next to him. "Have you been drinking?"

"No. I was fishing. I caught a mermaid."

"It was just a dream. You never even left the shop."

"No, no it can't be. I need her. She was going to find my wife, my son-"

"It's okay, Jim, take a deep breath," I had to make him think it was a dream. Only a few feet away hid Finn and his mother, who was now using the purple curtain as a dress, in a closet. I had hid the fish net that caught her before making an attempt to trick Jim. I felt bad, he had finally caught the thing he had been searching for and I was helping her escape. But it was important that people didn't know about mermaids. He just didn't know that yet.

"You and Finn should go home now. I'll pay you for the whole day, but I just need to be alone right now," he stood up and walked over to his desk. He sat down in his chair and put his head in his hands. In the corner I could see Finn helping his mother use her legs to sneak out of the room. As soon as they were out I said my good byes.

Finn's mom was afraid of the car. Every time I took a turn or stopped at a light she would cling to the door like it was her life line. Finn thought it was funny but it kept freaking me out. According to Finn his mother had never been out of the water and didn't really feel the need to come on land. I could see why. Instead of my house we went to Jenny's, who was also known as Coral.

"Oh, my Queen!" she said when she opened the door. "What in the heavens are you doing here? Why are you wearing a curtain?"

"Please, Jenny, call me Lareina."

"Inside now, answers later," Finn replied and made himself at home.

"Of course," she said and let him by before smiling at me. "Hello Audrey."

"Hi," my voice was small. With a gesture from Jenny I came inside. Her home was lovely. Much like many houses that were on the beach it had a slight ocean theme to it. I sat down on a bright orange, well cushioned couch. Her television was turned to some soap opera I didn't know and a book sat face down on her coffee table with a pair of brightly colored glasses. Jenny liked bright things and so did a lot of other merpeople, it made them feel like they were in the colorful ocean if they had blues, greens, and other underwater colors in their homes. I had questioned why they would have their home sea themed and still live near the ocean. It turns out merpeople, even if they didn't want to, have to live there. Merpeople have to bathe once a week in the ocean to survive. It was like humans needing fresh water.

Let's just say I knew where my future homes scenery would look like.

"Come with me," Jenny said to the queen. "I'll get you something appropriate to wear. We'll be back in a minute kids; you behave yourselves now."

"We're in her living room, she's here, and so is my mother. I'm not exactly sure what we could be doing in the five minutes it takes to put clothes on that she wouldn't approve of," his face was so serious as he said this that I couldn't help but laugh hard enough to snort. I covered my face with my hands and continued to laugh. "What?"

I shook my head. "Nothing, you just crack me up."

"Okay. I try, I guess?"

It took longer than five minutes for Finn's mom to pick out an outfit but, if I was telling the truth, it was actually Jenny who was the reason it was taking so long. She had to pick out the right outfit for the queen. Lareina followed Jenny to the living room and she really did look stunning even though she was on the older side and she was wearing regular clothes. Her fiery locks stood out brilliantly against her black dress that started at the base of her neck, covered her shoulders, and fell professionally just above the knee.

"Doesn't she look lovely?" Jenny asked enthusiastically.

"Yes," I said in awe. "You look like you could be a famous model or movie star."

"Audrey, this is my mother," Finn introduced. "Mother, this is Audrey."

"You can call me Lareina, dear." her voice rang clear, reminding me off Meri. She sat down elegantly on the couch a foot from me. "It's nice to finally meet the girl Finn has told me about."

I smiled shyly. "It's nice to meet you too."

"But, as much as I would like to chat there are important things that I must tell you. Nahla is back." She said with worry. "And she has taken over, she has made herself queen and she will kill anyone who tries to say otherwise. She has Meri, and it seems she has many under her power, but Meri has several of her own."

"What does she plan to do?" Finn's eyes were narrowed into angry slits.

"Nahla, to prove her point, plans to execute Meri publicly."

"What are we going to do?" I questioned before realizing that I couldn't help in any way. "I mean, what are you guys going to do?"

"We're going to have to stop her," Lareina's voice grew husky, almost like she was holding back tears. "We have no choice. I have everyone I could gather away from Atlantica and they're waiting for us."

"We will fight," Finn said glumly. "There will be bloodshed. The sharks will come."

"I- I wish I knew how to help. I feel like I'm the reason this is happening." I said.

"You can't blame yourself," Lareina comforted. "I knew Finn didn't want all of that power. I just didn't know Nahla did. If she wasn't too rash I would say to let her have it. But, she's not good for our people. She will bring chaos."

Finn's P.O.V

Audrey was starting her car and heading to rent a boat. We had spent time thinking out a plan and since the battle wouldn't be easy, we came up with Audrey renting a boat, buying medical supplies, and if we need it we could help those injured to the surface for her help. Now Audrey didn't feel useless.

"She's very beautiful," my mother said next to me.

"I know," I didn't look up, I just continued to stare at my hands in my lap with my head bent down. "She's-I can't even tell you how much she means to me."

"I see the way you look at her," my mother tilted my chin up to look me in the eyes. "We do a lot of things for love but you have done the most. I want you to take this," she took off her ring my father had given her. "And when you feel ready I want you to make her yours forever and always."

"Your ring. But-"

"Your father is gone and I am growing old as well. I found my first grey hair." To humans, grey hair was something that was common. To merpeople, grey hair was an omen of reaching elderly. We didn't age the same way as humans if we remained under water, our process was slower. Our skin stayed almost youthful. "I just want to see you happy, healthy, and loved. You will be all three with Audrey. She's a beautiful girl and I couldn't ask for anything more."

I looked at the ring. "How will I know when the time is right?"

"You will know," she smiled. Laugh lines showed years of happiness on her face. "Come, we must go now. It is time."

Under the Sea *Book One* Water TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now