~Twenty Two~

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 I walked into my house, still in a rush and a lot still on my mind. I felt afraid. Finn was beyond anything my mind could have created and there was no way he would be used for science. But then again I had to remember that he wasn't the only one who lived in the sea. Finn's little sister Meri was a common traveler in the deep waters too.

Hands covered my eyes and I let out a scream. I attempted to jerk out of the person's grip.

"Relax Audrey, it's just me, Finn."

I took a deep breath. Relaxation wasn't something my heart was capable of at the moment. Finn had scared me to the point of nearly peeing my pants. Besides, whenever he was around, my heart rate went a little crazy without being scared.

"Finn, what are you doing?" I asked. I couldn't see past his warm hands that covered my eyes.

"Shh. You'll see." He led me to somewhere in my house.

"Why can't you just-"

"Open," Finn ordered. Two cups sat on my table, steaming. One of my eyebrows raised as I looked at him and crossed my arms.


"I made what you call Hot Chocolate. It's now my favorite thing in the whole world."

"The whole world?" my tone was playful.

"Well, besides you."

"That's more like it," I handed him a glass and picked up my own. "So, how was your day?"

"Exciting, I tried a few different things out in your kitchen," he took a drink. "And I made my first human drink."

He looked so proud the only thing I could do was smile. His sea green eyes watched as I tasted his concoction. It was only coco mix and milk but it was an improvement to becoming closer to being human. I thought about how long it might have took him to figure out the microwave and smiled.


We sat in silence at the dark dining room table. I had an overly large amount that I wanted to say to him and I didn't know where to start. Instead, I watched steam rise from my cup and even though it was the middle of summer I found the winter drink comforting.

"Audrey, is something wrong?"

"I need to talk to you," I took a deep breathe. Finn avoided my gaze.

"There's something I need to tell you too-"

"Me first," I cut him off. He looked a little shocked but I needed, no, I had to go first. "I know about you being the prince. I know about your oldest sister wanting that throne. Meri told me what I thought was a lot and I want you to know I'm not mad about it. But I wanted to tell you that I got a job."

"Out of all of that, the thing you focus on discussing with me is your new job?"

"Just listen. My new job is working for a fisherman. I overheard him talking with his friend about a new species of fish. And I think they were talking about merpeople."

"What are they trying to do?"

"They want to catch one for proof and I'm scared that they'll get one and as horrible as it sounds for me to say I don't know what I would do if they captured you or Meri instead of another. I don't know."

Finn's expression made me want to cry. He looked overwhelmed and I knew what I had to do.

"You're going to need to protect your people and visiting me is dangerous. I think you should become king," my voice grew softer as I talked. I fought the tears.

"Audrey, I don't want to become king," he admitted. "I'm not the person for the job. I don't want to make decisions that affect everyone." I stared at the ceiling, avoiding eye contact, as a single tear rolled down my cheek. "I want to be human."

"Well, what are you supposed to do? You can't live in my house, you won't be able to go to school for senior year with me, and it's not like you have a house on the beach. Not to mention, who would take over? Meri told me none of your sisters would be a good idea and you have to be over the age of thirteen."

"Meri's thirteen."


"Meri 'is thirteen and the only sister who I could trust the kingdom to."

"Are you suggesting that Meri becomes queen? Why can't your mother take over if that's the case?"

"My mother is old and frail just like my father has become. Meri can become queen of Atlantica if..."


"If I become king and change the law," he put his hands up to stop me from replying. "It would work, but it would take time. Time in which I wouldn't be able to leave at all until it's over."

"So neither of you could visit me?"

"Meri could until we actually start the process of changing the law. She would have to prove she could rule-"

"And first you have to get her to accept it."

Finn got up and walked over to me. I stared harder at my drink then necessary.

"It'll be okay. I promise." He kissed the top of my head lightly, sending tingles through me, before finishing off his coco and walking back to the beach. I watched as he sat on the dock. When I started to walk out I took a step back as I watch Meri's head bob to the surface, her beauty shinning like a thousand sparkles on the water. As he talked my nerves felt like they were frying.

What if she said no? Then I would lose Finn forever, unless he destroyed every opportunity he had in his home and I couldn't let him do that. And if she said yes, then I had to worry that the plan turned out to be impossible and lose him anyway. Either way I looked at it, my heart still felt like breaking. Finally, Finn came back.

"She'll be queen. But first I have to convince the council to change the law," his facial expression turned sour. "And that won't be easy. My father doesn't have much longer."

"I'm so sorry-"

"And I will go spend time with him before he passes on. When I take the crown my work will begin immediately." I looked out the glass door to see Meri watching us. "Meri can visit occasionally and give you reports."

"I hope everything goes the way you plan."

Finn clutched my hands in his, soft and warm, and looked deep into my eyes. I felt like I was being lost at sea as I got lost in his.

"Finn I-"

"I love you," he whispered. It felt like something was gripping my insides. "And I will come back. Don't ever forget that."

"I love you too," my voice was full of pain. And then he was gone.



My mom and dad came how that night. I talked to Connor for hours, and as bad as I felt for making him listen to my girly, whiny self I need someone to listen to me.

"At least Meri will still visit us," my little brother said, attempting to cheer me up.


"Yeah, us. She's my friend too." We laughed as I rolled my eyes. He was right. At least I hadn't lost all connection to Finn. I could tell things to Meri and she could tell them to Finn for me. I had to think positive.

"How long do you think it will take?"

"For what?" I felt distant as I thought about Finn.

"For Finn to change the law."

"Oh, I don't know. It might never be changed at all," I admitted. "But I know they're going to try."

"Guys, dinner," our mother called from the kitchen. The smell of breakfast-for-dinner seeped under the crack in the door, reminding me of the breakfast I cooked for Finn not too long before. He hadn't even been gone a day and I already felt as if I had nothing but memories left of him. 

Under the Sea *Book One* Water TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now