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That afternoon Heidi and I spent most of it in the bathroom in front of the mirror. Hair straighteners, curlers, and products were spread out all over the small green bathroom. Make up was perched on the edge of counters or sitting on the floor where it had rolled off. Heidi had taken out her signature feather for a different kind of style. I watched as she curled each piece of hair skillfully, they bounced playfully in long ringlets. While I, on the other hand, attempted to give myself beach waves. I had to admit though, I was doing pretty well.

"Put a little bit of lip gloss on and you'll look so hot even I won't be able to resist you," said Heidi while finishing the last bit of curling.

"Same with you," laughing, I applied the rest of my make-up. I only had a little on but it made the difference. Last but not least, I applied a pink gloss and rubbed my lips together.

"Perfect," Heidi unplugged the hot items and left them to rest on the counter. "Now let's go."

I drove us to Seth's party, which turned out to be only twenty miles from me, in my Jeep. Heidi was excited that I had my own means of transportation and was entertaining herself with what she thought was going to happen at the party as we went. I was nervous but I tried not to show it. What if Seth really did ask me out in front of everyone? Would it even be right of me to deny him? Would I be hated if I did?

I wanted more than anything to shut off the thoughts going through my head, but I just couldn't.

"Have you ever been to a party like this?" Heidi asked beside me.

"I don't know what kind of party this is but I have been to parties," I responded. It was true. When I had been one of the best on swim team I had been frequently invited to parties. I didn't attend them very often; but, when I did I usually left early before it got crazy enough for the cops to come. The last thing I had needed back then was to get caught underage drinking and not get offered a scholarship for swimming. "I use to be one of the 'jocks'."

"Were you like a cheerleader?" I was a little surprised she asked. I hadn't ever seen myself as the cheerleading type and it was weird to think that others might view me that way.

"Swim team."

"Were you any good?"

"The best. Nearly became captain."

"What happen?"

I paused, half tempted to tell her the truth, but something held me back. "I moved." The lie came out smoother than what it should have. It wasn't a total lie but I had moved because of the accident that had prevented me from becoming captain.

"That sucks. We have a swim team down here but you wouldn't be able to try out till next year. But I'm sure if you were the best they might give you a shot before then," Heidi said, trying to make me feel better.

"I'm not going to try out again," it hurt to say the truth out loud. It felt like I was finalizing it. "I'm kind of over swimming."

We drove to Seth's house talking about random things. I drove down his street, worried about if I would have a hard time finding it, but boy was I wrong. All the other houses were dark and I could see the last house on the right was nothing but light. I pulled into the grass, since everywhere else was taken, and parked.

Heidi wasted no time getting out of the car and then adjusting her clothing while I on the other hand took my time. I double checked my appearance in the car mirror

"Here goes nothing," I mumbled as I pulled the key from the ignition and met her on the way to the house. Walking side by side made me feel not so alone.

"Don't worry," she said looking at my outfit which was nearly identical to hers but in different colors. "You look hot."

I felt hot, just not because of the way I looked but because my heart was racing and I felt like adrenaline was the only thing running through my veins. I was going to be surrounded by people that I didn't know, people I didn't trust. The instinct to run back to the car was hard to fight. I pulled at the skin tight skirt that came to the middle of my thighs. It had several shades of pink, brown, and tan that formed tribal looking patterns. The loose, white tank top fluttered around me in the small amount of breeze. I was going to trip in my strappy heels and I knew it.

"Thanks," I managed to sputter. "Haven't been to one of these in a long time."

"Are you nervous?" she questioned, a smile pulled at the corners of her lips.

"A little," I admitted. I scanned the crowed around me. High school students were all over the large front yard. The grass was green and freshly cut. In the distance I could see where it ended and it met the sand.

"Don't be," Heidi tried to comfort me. "You're the girl everyone wants to be right now. I mean, you have Seth wrapped around your little finger. You're, like, the only thing he talks about."

"Great," my sarcasm was clear but either Heidi didn't catch it or she ignored it. The last time I had been what another girl wanted to be I had nearly been murdered.

The house was filled with people coming in and out from every door. Music blasted and the majority of lights were either dimmed or off inside the actual house. I couldn't see in complete detail. We stopped to talk to people I knew and some I didn't. She led the way through the crowd to the kitchen where she grabbed a beer for her and water for me; I was the designated drive.

"Let's go find Seth!" she shouted to me over the music. Everything shook with the volume. My heart seemed to match the beat.

I nodded my head so I wouldn't have to scream. I was pulled into several different areas of the house until we found ourselves on the back deck facing the ocean.

"Audrey!" I heard a guy call from the left. I looked over to see Seth coming towards me, a beer in one hand and the other waving at me.

"Hey ,Seth!" Heidi butted in. "Have you seen Jake?"

He paused to think. "I last saw him in the pool room playing against Ryder."

"Oh, great." she snapped. "He's probably betting money even though he's not that good."

She looked over at the back door and sighed before walking over and poking her head through,

"Would you like to come down to the beach?" Seth asked holding out his hand.

"I-"I looked back to see that Heidi had disappeared. "I don't swim."

"We're not going swimming," he laughed at me. "We're not even dressed to swim."

"Oh," I blushed. I took his hand and he pulled me from the deck to the beach. We walked slowly, sand sinking between our toes, and my heart beat in my ears. I really wished Heidi hadn't left me alone with him. The last thing I had wanted, or needed, was to be alone with Seth. The only good thing about going off alone was if he asked me out then I could let him down easy and not in front of his friends at his party.

If this was going where I thought it was going, then everything was going to turn sour quickly. Good thing I wasn't drinking so I could leave any time I wanted. 

Under the Sea *Book One* Water TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now