~Twenty Nine~

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Finn groaned in pain as I dabbed a cool cloth to his forehead. He hadn't woken up since he'd said my name and I was worrying about him as much as I was flustered that I had seen him naked. I thought about how we had never actually confirmed that we were dating but I assumed that wasn't needed, it seemed pretty obvious we were together. As I pushed his wet hair out of his eyes I realized we were more than just a couple. He gave up everything for me. It wasn't the usual boy meets girl situation and I realized, at that moment, that I loved him more than anything in the entire world. He was my forever.

"Finn?" I said softly wishing he would wake up. He made a small noise. "Finn."

"My side hurts," he muttered as he attempted to turn over. He let out a hiss of pain.

"Yeah, I know it does," I paused. "I had to stitch it up. I need you to take some medication."

"I would be mad if I died," he said randomly. "You got to meet my mom and I haven't go to meet yours."

I sat there in silence. He was right. I had met more of his family then he had met of mine.

"But yours is easier to introduce me to. I mean, with yours you can be like 'Oh, yup. She's a human.' and with mine I have to be like 'Mythical creature? What? My boyfriend isn't a merman.' You know?"

Finn's laugh was stopped short as the pain in his side irrupted and he had to catch his breath. I bit my lip nervously and found him Percocet. If it had been up to me we would already be heading to a hospital but I knew Finn wouldn't go and I wasn't strong enough to force him, even in his weak state. He took the medication.

"You should rest. You're safe," I clutched his hand.

"What about the others?" his eyes began to droop. He wasn't taking my advice because he wanted to. Finn was close to passing out.

"They're safe too," I lied before his eyes closed. I sighed before getting up to look over the edge of the boat in the hopes of seeing Meri. Below me was a woman, though it wasn't Meri, and I recognized her immediately. She grinned wickedly below the surface and her glistening teeth between her bright red lips made me cringe. She was the girl from my dream. She was Finn's sister. The murderer. The crazy one. It was Nahla and she was coming for me.

I had enough time to take one last breath before her hands were around my throat and I was plunged deep into the cold ocean water. I thrashed about but her grip was strong. I clutched at her wrists, digging in with my nails, trying to make her release me. Holding my breath made everything more difficult.

"So you're the girl," she hissed at me causing me to squirm. "The one who spoiled my plans. You know, my brother meeting you was a very big inconvenience for me. I had everything planned out and what happens next? He gives everything away to my littlest sister." She chuckled darkly. "I had planned to kill him too, just like I killed my father, but I think your life ending will hurt him so much more."

Fear consumed me. She wasn't going to kill me quickly by stabbing me in the heart or cutting my throat. She was going to make me drowned.

"Take as long as you need," Nahla purred. "You'll still be taking in water either way. See, you might love a merman but you're just a silly usless human."

Spots dance across my vision and I didn't know how much longer I could fight the urge to breathe.

She has poisonous, sharp, barbs in a few places on her fins and when she wants to she could just rake them across you and kill you. Meri's voice whispered in my head.

With the energy I had left I looked down to see that Nahla had two small fins placed on the sides of her wrists. Nestled next to each were two vicious looking barbs. I glared at Nahla as I thought up my plan. Her smile faulted as the corner of her left lip twitched in irritation. She thought I would already be dead. I was taking too long. I had to hurry.

One of my hands reached out and grabbed her barb, trying to be careful that I didn't stab myself, and yanked. She let out a scream as it ripped from her skin and she screamed again as I stabbed it into her side. I kicked back from her with my feet. If looks could kill hers would have done it. She started twitching with spasms as she attempted to swim near me. She hadn't been immune to her own poison. Nahla's eyes rolled into the back of her head as her body went limp. Slowly the current picked her up and started floating her away.

Meanwhile my lungs were about to burst. I swam as fast as I could towards the darkening surface, the storm was coming, but my ability as a competitive swimmer had faded due to the lack of practice. My muscles burned and ached from the exercise and limited amount of oxygen. Bubbles exploded in front of my face but too late did I realize they were mine.

Meri's P.O.V

I swam as fast as I could towards Audrey as Nahla held her in her grip but it was like I was a whole ocean from them. I watched as Audrey stabbed my sister and as she tried to reach the surface. Bubbles came from her mouth and I knew I had to reach her then or she was going to drowned.

"Audrey!" I screamed her body stilled. Her hair floated around her like a dark halo of blonde and her clothes rippled in the currents. I swam fast, calling her name. I had to save her.

When I reached her I didn't even slow down. I scooped her up as I was passing and raced towards the surface. She needed to get in the boat. We broke the surface and I changed into a human, not caring that I wasn't wearing any clothes. I climbed the ladder as I called for Finn's help but her didn't come. My heart beat quickened at the thought that maybe Nahla had already killed him.

The weight of Audrey was almost too much for me to handle until I finally dragged her up. Finn was lying on the floor, a towel covering his lower part, and he was fine. He was stitched up the best Audrey had been able to manage. Nahla hadn't touched him but he wasn't waking up.

I breathed oxygen into Audrey's lungs and pressed on her chest. I began crying as I followed the process several times as I tried to get her to couch up the salt water in her lungs.

"Please, wake up!" I screamed. I tried one more time.

She turned her head and coughed up water. She gasped for air. I jumped up to get us towels, wrapping myself quickly before running back to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I checked her pulse. Audrey stared at me with wide green eyes before speaking.

You have such pretty hair," she reached up and touched one of my waist long, glistening silver strands before her head dropped back down and she passed out.

Under the Sea *Book One* Water TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now