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Finn slept in my bed that night and while he slept I couldn't help but reach over and touch him. He was surprisingly deep sleeper. My fingers traced his jaw line and then down his neck until, finally, they rested on his chest, right above his heart. I could feel it beating rhythmically below my palm.

Eventually I curled up next to him and fell asleep to the sound of waves crashing in the distance and the sound of Finn's even breathing.



The next morning I woke up to the sun rising. My purple room glowed in the light and my white bed spread appeared a light gold.

Finn shifted and my eyes widened as I felt him move as if he were below me. I lifted me head to see that my legs was sprawled over his lower half, our faces only inches apart, my hands clung to his biceps, and his were tangled in my blonde hair. We were entwined.

I blushed a little at the whole situation and didn't know how to proceed, which ended up not being a problem because Finn woke up, as if I somehow mentally poked his mind to do so. He looked straight into my eyes and I was hypnotized. Sea green eyes. They were the things I obsessed over constantly; I thought about them, I dreamed about them, I drew them, and I couldn't wait to see them again when I wasn't looking into them.

I had it bad. Cupid didn't even know.

"Good morning," he mumbled to me.

"Good morning," my voice had a breathless quality to it. It was obvious, at least to me, that he took my breath away. Especially his messy morning hair. As if sensing my need for him, he leaned forward the couple of inches between us and kissed me. Before it could any farther I pulled away, fearing I had morning breath, and asked him if he wanted breakfast. No one was home on the nice summer morning and it was the perfect time to let him try new foods.



The pan sizzled as I cracked an egg and let it fall. My stomach cramped with the smell of food cooking and I couldn't help it as my mouth started to water. I was hungry. I had forgotten to eat dinner the night before.


"Yes?" I looked over my shoulder at Finn. He was casually sitting with his arms behind his head and his legs stretched out under the wooden table. He was watching me with interest as I cooked.

"What's your favorite color?" The question threw me off guard.

"Turquoise." I said as I turned back to the pan to flip the egg over. "Why?"

"Just wondering."

"What's yours?"

He thought for a minute before he said, "Gold."

"Gold ?" I laughed. If I had to pick out of gold or silver I preferred the later. "Why?"

"It's the closest color to your hair." He admitted. "If I had to pick another one it would be forest green because of your eyes."

A small smile formed on my lips but my back was turned so he couldn't see. It was nice to know he thought about me in the same ways I thought about him. We had an obsession with each other's eyes.

"And then," he said closer to me and I realized he had gotten up from his chair. "Whatever color you happen to be wearing."

My heart thumped in my ears as it pumped harder than necessary. Finn knew the affect he had on me and he was playing around with it.

Under the Sea *Book One* Water TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now