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I sat on my bed and looked at everything but Heidi as I watched her, and I quote on quote her "destroy Addison's high school life". Had Addison not attempted to destroy mine I might have almost felt guilty for her. Almost.

I assumed Tyler had taken Addison home after we caught them.

"I can't believe he was trying to bring a girl home," I mumbled.

"I can't believe Addison is cheating on Seth."

"I told him I was going to be here," I continued, not paying any attention to what Heidi said.

She laughed. "Guess what?"

"What?" I leaned my head against the dark wooden back board of my bed.

"We're totally getting pay back," she said as she lay down next to me. "I sent the picture, with the date, to everyone in my contacts that go to Ocean Side."

"And how many would that be?" I really didn't think that, unless she had thirty people in her phone who loved gossip, it wouldn't make that big of a difference since we were out for summer vacation.

"Two hundred." I nearly choked on my own spit. "I'm so evil."

"Did you send it to Seth yet?"

"Yup," she popped the 'P' at the end. Then started humming a tune.

"What did he say?"

"Nothing yet. He'll probably pretend he never dated her," Heidi snickered. "Either way everyone is going to think she is a liar."


"Perfect." She cut me off.

"I was going to say diabolical but okay."

We laughed for a few before laying down for bed. Heidi French braided my hair and then braided her own before falling asleep. Unlike me, she was asleep within minutes while I sat in the dark and day dreamed. Of course it was mostly about Finn. I wished he was sleeping next to me. But then again I always wished he was. I would probably never tell him that though; he wasn't even in the room and I was flushing at the thought.

I woke up several times that night but I wasn't sure if it was from forgotten nightmares or because of the storm that had restarted outside.



The next morning was strange. Heidi ended up leaving early because she had a doctor's appointment at noon. I attempted to avoid Tyler and I was thankful when Connor came to get some clothes for the day.

"Connor," I whispered as he passed by my room before I grabbed the back of his blue and white striped shirt and pulled him in.

"Whoa." he said as I dragged him backwards. He turned to face me and realized I wasn't alright at the moment. "Are you okay?"

"I'm avoiding Ty."

"He's not here," I let out a sigh of relief. "But I still want to know why you would be if he was."

So I told him. Everything. I told him all the way from the first day at the carnival all the way up to last night. And being the great little brother he was he listened. To everything. He even got angry at the fact that Addison had tried to ruin everything I had worked for since I moved to Ocean Side.

"The last thing you need is another crazy girl to hate you," was all he said and he was right. I didn't need another Vicky, the girl who tried to drowned me and ruined my life the first time. Addison wasn't trying to drown me in a pool but she was attempting to sink my reputation in the thoughts of the student body like an anchor.

Under the Sea *Book One* Water TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now