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Eventually we left the park, only because Meri had chased the geese and they in turn had chased Connor and pecked him. I showed off the most important sights to see in Ocean Side before heading home. I felt saddened when Meri and Finn got back in the water.

The rest of the week went by slowly. Each an everyday Finn would help me farther and farther into the ocean, I would take Meri to different places for entertainment and Connor continued to keep my secret. At school I started to take my finals and I was glad I was a good student because I hadn't remembered to study.

I wore sweat pants for the rest of the week and I didn't care what anyone had to think of it. The rumors revolving around me had cooled a bit but the only person who seemed to not forget the "truth" was Addison. On Friday I waved good bye to my mom and dad on the last day of school. Off to Phenix City, Alabama they went. My brother Connor went with James while I on the other hand had forgotten to ask Heidi if I could stay at her house for a few days.

I walked back in the house and sat down on the couch, ready to watch the whole first season of some show online, when Ty came into the living room.

"What are you still doing here?" He asked, sounding a bit rude as he said it.

"I forgot to call my friend to ask if I could stay there."

He nodded his head slowly. "You can stay here you know." Ty said. "I'm going to a club tonight."

"Which one?"


I knew what Bay was. The club was a popular place to sneak into for high school students and a hot spot for college students. The bouncers didn't check ID's unless you looked twelve. Heidi went often with Jake.

"It'll be later." Ty said before walking to the kitchen. I heard him shuffling around in the fridge for a while, setting container after container of left overs on the counter. I felt embarrassed about watching a show with Tyler being near so I turned off Netflix and went to do laundry instead.

Filling up my purple basket I found my thoughts drifting to Finn and how it was storming outside so I couldn't see him. We hadn't made it official, our dating, but I wasn't sure why. Carrying my basket to the washer I continued to think about it. I knew he had a reason for not asking me, he had to, and I didn't want to push him but I didn't want him to decide one day to never reappear because there was no attachment.

My stomach clenched at the thought. I shook it off.

I did different tasks in my room like making my bed, folding clothes, and sweeping the floor while I waited. When I was finished Tyler knocked on my door to tell me he was leaving. I heard his silver rental car drive away. Then I decided to call Heidi.

It rang three times before a breathless Heidi answered the phone.

"Hello?" she gasped.

"Hey, it's Audrey."

"Hey, girl!" she shouted into the phone. "What's up?"

"Nothing," I admitted, shifting onto my stomach on my bed. My white comforter smelled amazing.

"Is your older brother still home from college?" Heidi said excitedly. I sighed.

"Yes," I groaned as she squealed. "He's so obnoxious. Speaking of him, my parents are of town and both of the brothers are gone. Connor's at his friends while Ty is at Bay."

"I should have flirted with your brother before I started dating Jake."

"You know you love Jake."

Under the Sea *Book One* Water TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now