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I woke up ten minutes before my alarm was set to go off. I looked over to see Finn sleeping, his silhouette outlined by the rising sun outside my window.


I sighed. It felt better than ever to wake up beside him but the whole thought of Monday didn't sit well. A feeling gathered in the pit of my stomach, and it wasn't good, but I couldn't imagine what was causing it. Instead of focusing on it, I decided to focus on Finn instead.

His hair fell across his forehead and his lips were slightly parted. I watched as his chest rose and fell with every breath he took. Reaching out I gave in to the urge to touch him. I smiled as I ran my fingertips along his jaw line and cheek. He looked so peaceful I was tempted to leave him there to sleep while I got ready. But I knew that was a bad idea. Everyone in my household would be awake by the time I had to wake him. It would be too risky.

"Finn," I whispered as I shook his shoulder. His eyes flickered open. "Time to get up."

He smiled at me and then slowly he started stretching. I opened the window and felt the cool morning air filter in. The hair that had fallen out of my bun floated with it.

"Time to go." he said as he carefully climbed out. I noticed his legs were a lot stronger than the day before. I hopped down after him and followed him to the dock. "You might want to turn around."

"Oh, right," I blushed as he took off my oldest brother's shirt and dropped it on the wood. I turned around and heard the sweat pants fall too. I wanted to giggle but I fought it. Finally I heard the splash as he jumped in, but I still waited to make sure he changed back before turning around again. If I was embarrassed at the thought of him being naked I couldn't imagine how embarrassing it would be to see it before he wanted me to.

"Oh," he groaned. "That hurt."

I turned around. A grim look was plastered on his face.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He floated away from the dock. I was relieved to see him swimming regularly with his tail.

"Did you turn as soon as you touched the water?"

"No," he shook his head. "I had to think about it, feel it. I'm going to talk to my mom. She'll have less questions than anyone else. Or maybe I should ask a scholar, they don't tell if you make them swear to secrecy."

"Well, you do that and I will go get ready for school." I smiled and picked up the dirty clothes. "See you later?"

"As soon as possible. Maybe you should get in this afternoon?" And with at he was gone, again. I didn't even have time to argue that I didn't swim. I still hadn't told him my biggest secret, my biggest fear. I was afraid of drowning.

Without him there, the feeling I had pushed off earlier began to sink in again and it wouldn't go away. I got dressed slower than usual and dragged about all morning. It was like my brain was trying to get me to stay home. I ignored it to the best of my ability.

In the car James and Connor talked casually. Maybe I was the only one feeling uneasy about today.

We pulled into the student lot with only five minutes left to spare before the first bell. I ended up nearly running to trig. A group of girls near the front looked a little too long for comfort at me as I came in. They then leaned their heads close together, occasionally looking up at me as they spoke. I couldn't hear what they were whispering back and forth but I still got the feeling it was about me, which was ridiculous because I didn't even know them.

Under the Sea *Book One* Water TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now