~Twenty Three~

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Finn's P.O.V

I sat at my father's bed side with my mother holding his hand. He looked so sick. One of his sea weed bandages had come off, allowing me to see one of the huge gashes of many that lined his chest and back. The sharks had been great whites, something that we could only take on if we had multiple mermans and not many sharks; but, this time there were so many, we were overwhelmed.

I looked away from the King who was dying. I didn't know what I wanted to do, but I knew what I had to do.


"Yes, Finn?" Him saying my name made me pause. He never called me by my name. It was always Prince, or My Son, or something other than Finn.

"Coronation ceremony-"

"I will be attending it," the King said in a gruff voice. "I will see to it that you become king and no one else."

I held my breathe. It was like he knew my plan even though I knew he didn't, that he couldn't.

"I will be king," I said as bravely as I could manage before exiting the room to find Meri.

"Finn," my mother's voice called after me. I turned to see her approaching, her fire red hair was dimming in brightness as she aged and her green eyes were losing their sparkle. She placed her hands on my cheeks. "Just remember that he loves you, no matter what, we all love you."

"I love you too," but I also love Audrey and I am not happy here, I add silently in my head. My family needed me long enough to make Meri queen. Besides, after meeting Audrey the thought of a woman not being strong enough or independent enough to rule seemed ridiculous.

As I swam through the halls to find my little sister's room I thought about all the things that were changing in my life. I was frustrated and scared, something a king wasn't supposed to be, and I didn't want any part of taking control. Changing the law was going to be difficult and I telling my mother what I was doing was going to be even worse. My father was leaving her and I had plans to do the same. I was being selfish, something a good king wasn't supposed to be either. But I couldn't leave Audrey. As much as I loved my family they couldn't be what Audrey was to me, it wasn't possible.

I would be a lousy king in the first place.

I had to hope Meri was everything I thought she was and would become. She had a level head and could do the duties that needed to be done but she was also kind of heart and wouldn't bring wrath upon anyone just because she could. I feared my other sister wouldn't hesitate to strike down anyone who seemed to stand in their path and with Caspian it was too hard to tell if he was something to be trusted. He was only nine after all.

I knocked lightly on Meri's door before entering. Her back was turned away from me and I could see her face from the mirror that sat in front of her. Our eyes met and I could tell something was going on inside her mind.

"Father will be at the Coronation ceremony."

"But he's so weak," Meri sighed. "He's pushing himself more than he should. But he is King and if he shows weakness then it reflects on the whole kingdom."

"He's dying."

Meri was in her chambers looking at shiny things she collected from the human world. She had a fascination with people but not enough to become one.

"I know. But, in his mind, he will rule like a king until his last breath. He will be there to see his son take his place," Meri ran a comb through her hair and examined it in a little mirror as strands floated around in the current. The horns were blown in the distance. "It's time."



"Finn!" my father's voice boomed form the center of the city. I stood beside him as every mermaid and merman filled the square to watch. "Do you swear to give your life to protect the merpeople of Atlantica? Do you take the responsibility to rule as King until you die?"

I thought about it. I wouldn't give my life to the people of Atlantica, not now and not in the future, because I would not stay king. I would not be king until I died.

"I swear," Even though I was sure everyone heard me say it I couldn't help but notice that my voice didn't carry like his. I didn't have the feel of authority that came with royalty.

"Then I crown you King!" The crown was placed gently on my head by my mother. In the distance I could see my sisters and the only one smiling was Meri. Nahla looked like she wanted blood. A sudden gasp throughout the crowd made me look over my shoulder. There, at my coronation, I watched as my father took his last breath and closed his eyes. 

Under the Sea *Book One* Water TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now