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My alarm clock an old song at seven in the morning. I wanted to hit snooze but I had already done it four times. It was time to get up.

Grateful that I had picked out my clothes from the night before, I put them on. My black long sleeve, dark jeans, and dark leather ankle boots worked out well for the colder weather. With all the left over time I saved from not struggling to pick something out of my closet, I curled my hair in large ringlets. Looking at the clock I still had twenty minutes left.

I sighed and began applying a bit of make-up. Putting on make-up was a lot like painting. Your face was a fresh blank canvas that you could alter with colors of your choice. I applied liquid liner to my top lids and then a shimmering gloss to my lips, the finishing touch was the bit of blush on my cheeks.

I turned my head to a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I said while I leaned in and started applying mascara to my lashes. Connor stepped in, his book bag slung on his shoulders.

"Mom made pancakes." he said with a smile. I set my mascara tube down and smiled.

"I love the week before Ty comes to visit." Tyler was my older brother who was coming home Sunday from college; the week before she was always excited and in a good mood. Her oldest was coming home.

Tyler was a snob to put it in the simplest of terms. His friends were snobs. His girl friends were always snobs. He was one of those people whose noses were always put up in the air because they thought they were better. Needless to say my dearest brother was not my favorite person in the world.

"Not when he's actually here though," Connor pointed out. He understood my dislike for Ty because Ty always felt the need to pick on him, while Tyler found it amusing to be rude and annoying to me, he was downright awful to Connor. Our parents thought Ty was an angel. They were proud.

"I know right."

The pancakes were delicious but the conversation was not. My mom had nonstop talked about Tyler and how he was doing. She talked to him often. According to her, law school was going swell for him. I, on the other hand, thought he was more than likely feeding her lies and already dropped out.

"Awesome," I said every time she asked me 'isn't that wonderful Audrey?' or 'He's really getting into the whole college experience, don't you think?' If she meant by college experiences as drinking, partying, and messing around with big chested blonds then yes, I guess college was going just wonderfully.

Ten minutes later and I was hauling ass to finish my food just so I could leave the table. I felt sick with the praise Tyler was receiving, that he never deserved, from mom. I hurried to gather my things and practically ran to the Jeep, my brother right on my heels. James was nearly knocked over in our rush to the car.

"Easy there!" he said before climbing in the back seat.

"That was awful," I said as we sped out of the drive way.

"Tell me about it," Connor sighed.



At school the day went as planned. The rest of the week went as planned too. The weather was awful, I was slightly moody but tried my hardest not to be, and Heidi talked my ear off all day long. Not that I minded having someone talk to me. After going awhile without having someone to chat with I realized I needed it. When Friday rolled around there was a rumor spreading through the schools halls that Seth had a huge plan for asking me out at his party. My stomach flopped in a bad kind of way.

Heidi was in my Jeep and the boys were in the back seat. Connor complained that he should ride in the front like normal for nearly ten minutes.

"Seth is totally going to ask you out," she squealed making me jump. "Oh my gosh, we have to wear the cutest things ever tomorrow!"

Under the Sea *Book One* Water TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now