Chapter 10

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Jaden's POV

I smiled as I walked through the school buildings. I spotted Darian at her locker and began to make my way to her. I've noticed she has been a little distance the past few weeks. Almost like she is playing hide-and-goseek. I was getting closer but was stopped by a familiar high-pitched voice.

"Jaden!" I cringed and turned around.

"Hi Kylie." I simply said.

"So I'm throwing a party, you know, For Halloween. And I wanted you to come. Here!" She handed me an orange envelope that had my name printed boldly on the front.

"Uh thanks." I grabbed it and shoved it in my pockets. The bell rung, telling us we needed to be in class within minutes.

"Oh. Gotta go. I'll see you in class though."

"Yeah." She smiled and skipped off. I turned around to see that Darian was no longer at her locker. I sighed and walked to class.

Darian's POV

"I don't understand why you're treating him like this." Stella said.

"Like what?" I asked shoving my fork into the leftover pasta my mom gave me for lunch.

"It's kinda obvious your avoiding him. Giving him the cold shoulder. Do you not realize he's JADEN SMITH? And he likes you."

"Yeah right." I simply said before shoving a bunch of pasta in my mouth.

"Hey babe." Moises sat down next to Madison. Yeah they've made themselves official.

"Hey!" She said before throwing her arms around he's neck, and kissing his lips. It started to turn into a little more, causing everyone at the table to groan.

"Yo, get a room!" I yanked a fry from Willow's tray and threw it at them. They eventually pulled away. Still staring in each others eyes.

"Hey guys." Jaden sat next to me, throwing his arm around me. We all began talking about random stuff. Like what we're doing over fall break.

"Well I was invited to Kylie's Halloween party." Jaden said. It turns everyone was invited actually. Even me.

After a few minutes of conversation I got annoyed and stood up pushing Jaden's arm off of my shoulder and leaving it to fall by his side.

"I gotta go." I went to throw my pasta away and walked out, going who knows where.

The bell rung dismissing us to our next classes which luckily I didn't have with Jaden. I can't stand him anymore. He's a celebrity. So of course he gets all the girls. But meanwhile he's flirting with all these girls who only want him for his fame and money, he still flirts with me as if we're a couple. It's annoying and it kind of hurts my feelings. Ever since he said he had a thing for me that one day at lunch, which was 2 months ago, he's become so cocky all of a sudden. Like he has my wrapped around his finger. He doesn't, and he needs to know that.


I walked out of the locker room to the gym floor.

"Okay class, today we will be playing a game known as ' Dodgeball.'

"There are balls all around the gym." He said gesturing around the room.

"The object of the game is eliminate the other teams players first. The team with the last person standing wins. Losers do 50 push-ups." We all groaned at his last comment he made.

He divided us into groups. Jaden and Stella were both on the opposite side of me. I smiled deviously at my opponents. I looked at my surroundings to see who was on my team. There were only a few good people who were actually good. There was Jordan, who had great aim. There was Jacob. He had cat like abilities. And Daniel who was super cute, and ha speed like no other. I didn't realize I was staring at him until he looked my way and winked. I smiled and waved. The coach blew his whistle sending everyone diving for balls. People from both teams were quick to be eliminated. After a while it was just me, Daniel, Jordan, and 2 other guys who were just using each other as shields. Jordan threw a ball hitting Stella right in the stomach, causing her to fall to the ground in pain. I laughed at her as she slid off to the side. As I was caught off guard, a ball came flying my way. I felt a strong arm pull me out of the way. I looked up to see Daniel smiling down at me.

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